For years I've endured paying $1 for a patty at the store feeling like I could figure out the recipe, but never could until now. Eureka! Mock chicken patties...
These easy blackened chicken tenderloins are packed with flavor and sure to become a staple in your home. They are the perfect, macro-friendly protein...
I guess this would be my grilled chicken breast alternative. I marinate 2 or 3 pounds of tofu and then cook it up in small batches throughout the week....
Seitan has a firm, meat-like texture, and can be cooked the same way. It tastes great prepared any way, but I love it most when breaded and seasoned. Can...
Delicious tempeh in an easy recipe combining ginger, garlic, soy sauce and maple syrup. Serve over rice with green veggies. This is an old stand by recipe...
A simple sweet walnut/maple flavored pudding or pie filling that's fast and easy to make when you just want something that's good (remembering moderation...
A version of this recipe circulates online as Matthew's Delicious Tofu. It has ginger and less lemon. I like it better the way I make it. It's one of the...
Air Fryer Steak is a foolproof method that comes out perfectly every time. Air fryer steak is a quick weeknight meal for anyone, but especially simplifies...
This delightful, guilt-free dessert can be whipped together in just 5 minutes. It's suitable for everyone, vegans and chocoholics alike! The banana and...