This is based on a recipe in the Moosewood 'Cooks at Home' cookbook which I absolutely adore. Use a variety of beans for a colourful effect. I have used...
Vegetable oil subs in for butter in this fruit-topped, vanilla-scented cake, reducing the saturated fat; whole-wheat flour boosts the fiber and lends a...
With all my zucchinis in the garden after make my habanaro jam I did some research and came up with this one.Try this on a grilled tuna steak, grilled...
In honor of SPAM's Birthday -- this recipe is a "hand-me-down" from my Granny. Try it - I think you will be surprised it is really tasty and kid's like...
This recipe came from my friend, Nan, who lives in Colorado Springs. I wasn't sure I wanted to try this recipe when she shared it with me. But, she said...
This is an adaptation of a recipe in "500 Fat Free Recipes." I make it in stages. That allows me to get most of the prep done in the morning and then get...
I love yabbies and this is a great way to make them go further. Very yummy. This would nearly be the first yabby recipe on Recipezaar, but I am sure that...
Sweet and tart fruits with marshmallows and whipped cream. Good side for poultry, pork or ham. I made this for a big family Thanksgiving dinner and it...
I've not tried this recipe yet, but it sounds interesting! It's supposed to be a traditional Swedish dessert, gleaned from "Favorite Swedish Recipes",...
The Budweiser sauce recipes were created by a team of chefs led by Certified Executive Chef, Brent Wertz, at Anheuser-Busch's Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg,...
This dish is always a hit with our guests both as an appetizer or as the entree. It's mild so if you want to spice it up, go for it. I like to use honeydew...
A local taqueria offered these as a daily special and they were fantastic. This is my attempt to recreate the recipe at home. I couldn't find anything...
My mother-in-law makes this every year for Christmas and I finally obtained the recipe from her. It's super simple and is a nice variation to traditional...