A 5-star pecan pie recipe can't get much better, but anything will always benefit from a little added chocolate! This easy and delicious recipe is based...
You won't need to make a pastry dough for these easy mini pecan pies. Fresh, store-bought croissants are used to line muffin cups and hold the sweet pecan...
Delicious Mini Pecan Pie Bites is a quick and easy fall recipe full of gooey pecan filling and buttery crust. Perfect for Thanksgiving or Halloween and...
A delicious alternative with an almond flour crust for those following a low-carb plan, or just trying to cut back on sugar. Great for Thanksgiving and...
Since the first time I put this together four years ago, it now is a must for all our family gatherings. When I pull it out of the oven, I sprinkle a handful...
Since the first time I put this together four years ago, it now is a must for all our family gatherings. When I pull it out of the oven, I sprinkle a handful...
This is my idea of the perfect pecan pie. It has the perfect ratio of crunchy nuts to the sweet, sticky goodness underneath. And thanks to the blind-baking,...
This is my idea of the perfect pecan pie. It has the perfect ratio of crunchy nuts to the sweet, sticky goodness underneath. And thanks to the blind-baking,...
This is my idea of the perfect pecan pie. It has the perfect ratio of crunchy nuts to the sweet, sticky goodness underneath. And thanks to the blind-baking,...
This is my idea of the perfect pecan pie. It has the perfect ratio of crunchy nuts to the sweet, sticky goodness underneath. And thanks to the blind-baking,...
This is by far the best apple pie I've ever had, and anyone who likes apple pie who has tried it agrees, this is a wonderful variation of an all-American...
This is a 3 layer pie: the bottom crust, a creamy cheesecake-like layer, and a delicious pecan pie layer on top. Warning: this is very rich, and definitely...
This is by far the best apple pie I've ever had, and anyone who likes apple pie who has tried it agrees, this is a wonderful variation of an all-American...
This is by far the best apple pie I've ever had, and anyone who likes apple pie who has tried it agrees, this is a wonderful variation of an all-American...
I am a pastry chef and I have developed many desserts that can be served at Passover. This shouldn't be prepared just for the holiday - it's great all...
My family loves this pie at Thanksgiving, Christmas or really any holiday of the year. So put on some jazz, pour yourself some java, and have a piece of...