Grilled pork kabobs seasoned Caribbean-style top a lively couscous salad topped with fruit and tangy vinaigrette. This makes a satisfying summer supper...
Our Pepperazzi™ peppers are a unique, sweet-and-spicy pepper from Peru--just the right complement to a mild, creamy sauce. We add baby spinach and juicy...
Sauteed onion and red and yellow bell pepper in a reduced broth sauce are tossed with penne pasta and seasoned with basil and grated cheese for a quick...
Mexican-inspired flavors of black beans, taco seasoning, and cilantro spice up this easy and colorful pasta casserole made with cooked chicken and Tex...
Cream cheese gives this simple pasta sauce its body and silky mouth-feel, while the lemon zest brightens and balances the dish's richness. Try replacing...
Penne pasta and broccoli flowerets are mixed with a flavorful sauce made with Campbell's® Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup, milk, mozzarella and Parmesan...
Perfect for potlucks, this crowd-pleasing pasta twist on a classic Cobb salad with zesty ranch dressing, crispy bacon and creamy avocado is both hearty...
Balsamic vinegar is the secret ingredient that takes this sauteed chicken and pasta dish to a whole new level . . . chopped basil and grated Parmesan add...
Cooked chicken or turkey is combined with cream of chicken soup, hot cooked spaghetti, mushrooms, and Parmesan cheese to make a family-pleasing hot casserole....
Cooked chicken or turkey is combined with cream of chicken soup, hot cooked spaghetti, mushrooms, and Parmesan cheese to make a family-pleasing hot casserole....
Who can resist this colorful pasta salad: Red, yellow, and green bell pepper shapes, grated carrots, and Romanesco florets tossed with creamy Hidden Valley®...
The rich flavor of oven-roasted veggies and sliced chicken sausage are tossed with linguine and topped with grated Parmesan cheese in this fast and delicious...
This layered beauty is stacked with fresh vegetables, baby greens, aromatic herbs, three kinds of Italian cheeses, and Classico® Four Cheese pasta sauce....
Campbell's® Condensed Beef Broth and Campbell's® Condensed Cheddar Cheese Soup provide the perfect texture and taste for this zippy version of the all-time...
In the mood for lasagna? Try this creative skillet version featuring cooked chicken, frozen cheese ravioli, fresh broccoli, cream of mushroom soup, mozzarella...
Campbell's® Condensed Beef Broth and Campbell's® Condensed Cheddar Cheese Soup provide the perfect texture and taste for this zippy version of the all-time...
Campbell's® Condensed Beef Broth and Campbell's® Condensed Cheddar Cheese Soup provide the perfect texture and taste for this zippy version of the all-time...
Want a great spaghetti and meatballs dish without the fuss? Update this pasta classic with Johnsonville! The secret to this exceptional recipe is Johnsonville...
Ready in a jiffy, this mouthwatering pasta dish is bursting with great color, flavor and the perfect amount of cheesy goodness. If you like your pasta...