Pan fried tofu is mixed with orzo, fresh diced tomatoes, lemon and basil then sprinkled with feta cheese. I like cow's milk feta, but goat cheese would...
Want a great spaghetti and meatballs dish without the fuss? Update this pasta classic with Johnsonville! The secret to this exceptional recipe is Johnsonville...
This easy-to-make, delicious pasta dish is ready in just 35 minutes! Tender chicken is coated in a rich, creamy Alfredo sauce and brightened with the addition...
Pasta cooks to perfection in Campbell's® Condensed Chicken Broth and is mixed with a comforting blend of Cheddar cheese, tuna fish, bread crumbs and Campbell's®...
Ready in a jiffy, this mouthwatering pasta dish is bursting with great color, flavor and the perfect amount of cheesy goodness. If you like your pasta...
Mini penne tossed with colorful bell peppers and fresh basil makes a colorful and satisfying vegetarian meal. Barilla White Fiber pasta adds a healthy...
This easy-to-make, delicious pasta dish is ready in just 35 minutes! Tender chicken is coated in a rich, creamy Alfredo sauce and brightened with the addition...
Tender turkey cutlets are simmered in a pan sauce made with white wine, garlic and golden mushroom soup. Served over fettuccine, this scrumptious meal...
The richness of Saigon Cinnamon flavors this salad created by Suzanne Goin of Luques in Los Angeles, California. Dates, carrots and toasted pinenuts add...
The classic flavors of traditional lasagna are featured in this hearty soup starring Swanson® Seasoned Beef Broth with Onion, tomatoes, tender beef, garlic,...
Corkscrew pasta simmered in broth, diced tomatoes and Italian herbs becomes a star when joined with sauteed chicken and garlic, tender vegetables and Parmesan...
Our Pepperazzi™ peppers are a unique, sweet-and-spicy pepper from Peru--just the right complement to a mild, creamy sauce. We add baby spinach and juicy...