These are quite possible the best you can make! I came up with this recipe to satisfy my carnivorous family and incorporate my love for Italian food. These...
I found this recipe on the back of the San Giorgio jumbo shells box. I've tried a lot of other stuffed shells recipes but I always come back to this one....
I really love Amish Macaroni Salad, and this is my favorite recipe for it. Amish Macaroni Salad is somewhat on the sweet side, so if you don't mind your...
This dish was inspired by Vote_for_Pedro's White Bean & Spinach Soup. Like the original, this is quick, easy and full of flavor. It makes a nice dinner...
A really yummy way to make jumbo shells stuffed with cheese taste. It makes a large amount but could be cut in half. I think it is something you could...
Giant pasta shells stuffed with a seafood cheese mixture. Alfredo sauce is poured over all and baked to perfection! Reheats nicely. We like it served with...
This is the acutal recipe (not a copycat) as posted on their website and as printed in the St. Louis Post Dispatch. THE REAL DEAL HERE MY FRIENDS (there...
My non-ricotta cheese-eating husband always raved about "the meat stuffed shells his mom used to make." His grandmother recently wrote to the TV guide...
This is a wonderful way to use up all those bits of cheese left over in the fridge. The idea comes from Weight Watchers and it lends itself to using cheese...
My version of cheesy stuffed shells. I read a few recipes online, ( as well as then used a "frankenstein" technique to make...
This is the perfect picnic dish - no mayo!! Very easy to prepare and a nice change from the usual covered dish take along. I've been making this for 20...
A really unique stuffed shells recipe. I usually make this for company. The original recipe included one pound of bulk Italian sausage in the stuffing,...
If you love chicken and dressing, you will want to try this! It is EXCELLENT! There are only five ingredients in this recipe, yet it makes a huge 9" X...
Here is a good way to make a little meat go a long way. These are good enough to serve company! I found this recipe in a great little booklet called, Dinner...
I found this in a magazine and decided to try it. So glad I did! I made it for the first time last night and it is really great. I used 9 oz. fresh spinach...
A very hearty meal that looks a lot harder to make then it actually is. Perfect to serve at a dinner party because most of the components can be mixed...
If it's from Emeril, it's got to be good! AND, not very complicated. The recipe calls for 1 teaspoon or Emeril's Essence but the program won't recognize...
This is one of my all time favorite pasta dishes. It came from one of my mom's old cookbooks, although I have made a couple tweaks here and there over...
Easy recipe for entertaining. Make ahead up to the point of baking, then 30-40 minutes before you want to serve dinner, put in the oven and enjoy your...
This is another quick, easy, delicious weeknight dish! Frying the garlic just until it is golden gives it a nutty, slightly spicy flavour that goes well...
9/24/08: As the original recipe looked great in a magazine, it didn't fare well by us nor some reviewers, so we felt it needed a serious make-over. We...
Basic meat filled stuffed shells recipe taken from the side of the box of shells and adapted for OAMC. A bit intense (and messy) on the preparation side...
You can add jalapeƱos, hot sauce or green chilies to this to add a real kick! **edited on October 24 to add instructions for Once a Month Cooking. I usually...
i love the asiago cream sauce! you could also use a red sauce. if pancetta is hard to find or you're on a budget, use bacon!! another giada recipe! i tweaked...
This is a weight watcher recipe, and one of my favorites. My whole family loves this. It is only 3pts for 1 cup! I didn't see it posted anywhere, and thought...
Just the basic cheese filled stuffed shells recipe you get off the back of the box, adjusted slightly for OAMC. The prep time is long but it's well worth...
This salad dish has a refreshing taste on a nice sunny day. My family loves it. Found this recipe on the back of the bag of shells. I added a bit more...
I made this as a "guest chef" for my bosses party and blew EVERYONE out of the water! It's intermediate level, so give yourself enough time to cook everything,...
This is a very filling vegetarian dish with a delightful variety of colors, textures and flavors. It is from "The One-Dish Vegetarian" cookbook. I prepared...