Authentic Italian pizza dough recipe, the most classic, common and perfect to make at home in a few hours. The pizza dough is a basic recipe typical of...
This recipe is one that my boyfriend and I recreated from a dish at our favorite restaurant. White chicken pizza with black beans and jalapenos. This pizza...
This Buffalo dip is fast to make thanks to rotisserie chicken, and the beauty of this dip is how versatile it is. I chose to transform it to a pizza topping...
A creation of my own out of the abundance of pumpkins I acquired after my neighbors found out I like to make my own pumpkin puree. I recommend using the...
Because everything tastes better around a campfire, we are showing you how to make this campfire-charred Caprese naan pizza! An easy and delicious way...
This is a wonderful, non-traditional take on pizza. It's great for using up leftover Thanksgiving food. This works great as personal pizzas, too. Cut the...
Delicious and loaded with fresh veggies, this is pizza for people who want a change from tomato sauce. Use any fresh veggies and any pizza crust. Use light...
A very romantic homemade pizza dough recipe to make with that special someone when you're on vacation together. Make sure to add copious amounts of both...
I came up with this quick, easy pizza when we had run out of our frozen supply. I loved it! It's a delicious, thin-crust, easy pizza that will leave you...
This unusual yet tasty sweet and savory pizza is made with a curried red lentil sauce instead of tomato sauce, and then topped with a delicious mix of...
Even with a baking stone, a conventional oven is no match for a professional oven when it comes to making pizza. At home, or rather in your backyard, the...
This recipe uses dried porcini mushrooms that have been rehydrated in warm water. If you can find fresh porcinis, also known as cepes and the great bolete,...
What's better than pizza? A patriotic flag pizza, of course! Baked in the shape of a flag with pepperoni slices for stripes and purple potatoes for the...
Here's my version for a quick veggie pizza, based on the combinations offered by many pizza chains. You can make adjustments to the quantities and choice...
If you don't want to spend hours in the kitchen, try this recipe - you won't be disappointed! Very kid-friendly and delicious. I serve it with a fresh...
Gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free, and paleo-friendly! You can substitute butter for the coconut oil. Add toppings of your choice to the baked pizza...
Sweet and savory, this is a delightfully fresh and fruity pizza. Cream cheese, mango and walnuts on a hot baked pizza crust make a tropical, tasty treat!...
This is the best Chicago-style pizza that I have ever had. Make sure that you use the Parmesan in hard triangle form. It tastes so much better when you...
A foolproof and delicious gluten-free and Paleo pizza crust made in minutes. It has just 6 basic ingredients, and there's no need for gluten-free flour...
This is a potato pizza with pesto, red onions, feta and much, much more. While it may sound odd on paper, it's quite delicious, and makes a good case for...
My favorite sports pub serves this, and I've come up with a simple and delicious home version. Many local restaurants sell wing sauce, and most grocery...
I have also used butternut squash in the past for this pizza. It looks really pretty with the green pesto and the orange squash, and my whole family loves...
Of course, you could just order out, but nothing beats a homemade pizza. The sauce is so easy and hearty everyone will think you were in the kitchen all...
The elementary school I attended back in the 1950's used to make these, and were a favorite of most everyone. My wife and I spent a lot of time trying...
A thinner base and less cheese means this classic Italian crowd-pleaser keeps its charm but sheds a few calories. Or if you want something a little more...
I created this recipe for my husband who loves BBQ flavored pizza and he absolutely loved it. We basically tried a variety of pizzas and made a list of...