This is great if you are in a hurry or if you don't want to use ice cream you can use frozen yogurt. Use chocolate or vanilla ice cream, whichever you...
Fresh cherries in an easy no bake pie. Top with whipped topping. Chocolate fans may want to try using a prepared chocolate cookie crumb crust for this...
Garnish this lemonade pie with whipped topping and lemon slices. This pie can also be made using orange-flavored breakfast drink mix for an orange sherbet...
Here is a recipe from my late grandma. The creamy chocolate filling is light as a cloud. You can serve each slice with a dollop of whipped cream if you...
This recipe has a wonderful combination of a chocolate and peanut butter. It's simple and inexpensive. I make this pie for a restaurant owned by my mother,...
This recipe is a family favorite! The whole family went crazy; it's the best recipe on this planet! Refrigerate overnight if possible. We like to use a...
This fabulous pie tastes like a strawberry shake in a crust. This recipe was born of necessity one day when I had to make a dessert for a family gathering...
Another variation on the classic Florida dessert that Hemmingway loved so well. This version is made with bitters. Top with whipped cream, if desired....
This refreshingly tangy dessert pie is prepared in a 9-inch springform pan. The delicate crust is sweetened with lemon drops, and the light lemony filling...
This pie tastes like the traditional grasshopper pie only it does not contain alcohol. It's great in the summer because of its light texture. If desired,...
This is one of my family's favorite recipes. My boys call it 'Mom's Secret Chocolate Pie Recipe' and request it at every family gathering! I always make...
This is an excellent peanut butter pie recipe. My grandmother requested it many years ago from a restaurant that served it. Everyone who has had this pie...
This recipe makes 2 pies. A gelatinous topping made with cornstarch and strawberry flavored gelatin is poured over fresh strawberries. Serve with whipped...
This recipe uses half cooked and half fresh blueberries for a yummy flavor. My family has enjoyed this for over 30 years. I'm proud to say my 'kids' 2...
I have made this for a long time and don't remember where I got it. My kids named it. My grand kids request this as dessert when they stay the night! Use...
Famous for being both feather-light and indulgently rich at the same time, French silk pie entered the American dessert canon upon winning the Pillsbury...
This is one of my favorite and easiest recipes. It is always a hit at parties, bake sales, and pot-lucks. I have modified the original to decrease the...
This recipe was given to me by a baker friend. Strawberries in a white chocolate and cream cheese mixture drizzled with more white chocolate. I make this...