These are like little peanut butter and chocolate balls. You basically mix it all up together. It is a perfect recipe to do at a sleepover or for parties....
These ultra sweet bars are always a year-round request, even though I usually only make them at Christmas time. They are very easy to make, and quick!...
My grandpa made these himself quite often, especially at Christmas time. Quick, easy, and no baking required! Also, try walnuts in place of the peanuts...
This is a great recipe for kids! It's easy to make and you don't have to bake it. This is always a hit at potlucks and family get-togethers. Very colorful!...
This quick and easy no-bake recipe makes a delicious treat that receives rave reviews! It uses easy-to-find ingredients like Jell-O® pudding, Nilla®...
Choosing to avoid processed sugars doesn't have to mean suppressing cravings! This recipe totally satisfies my peanut butter cup cravings, but leaves me...
I invented this easy no-bake recipe because of a bake sale at work, combined with my boredom with the usual rice cereal version. It was one of the most...
I wanted a cookie ball that didn't need refrigeration. Using peanut butter instead of cream cheese gave me just that. The texture is different than that...
This recipe can also use rum instead of bourbon and also you can use chocolate wafers instead of vanilla wafers. Be sure to age these for at least a few...
These are a delicious, creamy, and chocolate-free version of a no-bake cookie. My husband is NOT a chocolate fan and has been so thrilled that I came up...
This chocolate chip cookie dough bar recipe is a quick and easy dessert sure to please everyone. My kids and their friends go nuts when they know I'm making...
My sister and I used to make this with our grandmother when we were younger. They are so simple yet so tasty! You can take them anywhere and count on them...
Made with plant-based butter and Swerve®, these peanut butter bars fit right into the keto diet. No baking is required which makes these bars quick and...