This Taco Casserole is easy to make with simple ingredients and rich in flavor. It is an easy recipe, comes together in 30 minutes and the whole family...
This drink is served throughout Mexico. It is nice and refreshing. It is similar to a tart cranberry tea drink. You may add more or less sugar to your...
This is my mom's seasoned rice recipe and is a main dish that is delicious with cornbread, black-eyed peas and turnip greens. It tastes even better when...
These tacos are a favorite of chef Rick Bayless, who first tasted them at a market stall in Toluca, Mexico, where they're considered to be good, old-fashioned...
This cake is made with three layers: Cake, filling, and topping. There are 4 types of milk in the filling and topping (whole milk, condensed milk, evaporated...
Looks like a pie, cuts like a pie, and tastes like a little bit of Southwestern heaven. This casserole is made from pinto and black beans layered with...
A warm, pleasing Tex-Mex dish that's great as a meal with Spanish rice and beans or as a fun snack. This is a really easy recipe and comes together very...
This is my mom's seasoned rice recipe and is a main dish that is delicious with cornbread, black-eyed peas and turnip greens. It tastes even better when...
A chicken mixture with corn, chile peppers, cheese and sour cream gives this casserole the savory, zingy flavor of the Aztec gods: a combination of sun...
A chicken mixture with corn, chile peppers, cheese and sour cream gives this casserole the savory, zingy flavor of the Aztec gods: a combination of sun...
This is a great dessert. You may substitute commercial caramel ice cream topping for the dulce de leche for a quicker preparation, but the homemade dulce...
For this memorable fix-and-forget chicken stew, use a high-quality salsa to save time without skimping on flavor; choose a jar with a short ingredient...
This recipe makes tender, wonderfully flavored meat that is great for sandwiches. I also like to serve it with flour tortillas, cheese, refried beans,...
This recipe makes tender, wonderfully flavored meat that is great for sandwiches. I also like to serve it with flour tortillas, cheese, refried beans,...
Chipotle Fish Tacos are made with a mango-cilantro salsa, and chipotle aioli sauce is served with garlic spiked black beans and Spanish rice. I have run...
Chicken breasts marinated with Grey Poupon® and taco sauce with lime juice make a quick and very tasty dinner. Top with a dab of sour cream and this recipe...
Juicy Mexican cilantro lime chicken marinated with cilantro, lime juice and garlic. Pan-fry, bake or grill the chicken with this easy cilantro lime chicken...
Beware! This slow cooker recipe is spicy, but is an excellent shredded beef for tacos, sandwiches, or enchiladas! You can even try it on crusty rolls with...
An easy recipe to throw together with your summer squash. Can be tailored to your tastes and fresh vegetables on hand. Great new way to use up summer squash...
A chicken mixture with corn, chile peppers, cheese and sour cream gives this casserole the savory, zingy flavor of the Aztec gods: a combination of sun...
A chicken mixture with corn, chile peppers, cheese and sour cream gives this casserole the savory, zingy flavor of the Aztec gods: a combination of sun...
Beware! This slow cooker recipe is spicy, but is an excellent shredded beef for tacos, sandwiches, or enchiladas! You can even try it on crusty rolls with...
Beware! This slow cooker recipe is spicy, but is an excellent shredded beef for tacos, sandwiches, or enchiladas! You can even try it on crusty rolls with...
This is a great recipe my husband loves to make - it's a whole meal in it self and very simple to put together. Serve with salsa, sour cream, or guacamole...
Here is a recipe that uses only fundamental ingredients. Every other recipe I have found for taco seasoning has chili powder in it, which is a mix itself...
Easy and elegant quesadillas made with fresh asparagus and soft goat cheese. A royal combination of flavors for that Southwestern fix. Perfect for family...
Horchata is a thick, creamy, and sweet rice-cinnamon drink found at most Mexican restaurants that is similar to rice milk. It is simple and inexpensive...
Chicken is slow-cooked in two sauces, then shredded. Served on rolls with your favorite hot sauce, sour cream, and shredded cheese. YUM! Use your favorite...
Easy and elegant quesadillas made with fresh asparagus and soft goat cheese. A royal combination of flavors for that Southwestern fix. Perfect for family...
Easy and elegant quesadillas made with fresh asparagus and soft goat cheese. A royal combination of flavors for that Southwestern fix. Perfect for family...
These are quesadillas filled with chicken cooked in barbeque sauce, caramelized onions, Cheddar and Monterey Jack. Serve with plenty of guacamole, sour...
Dark chocolate cupcakes with a bite! These little chili cakes are topped with chili cream cheese frosting. This recipe was inspired from a combination...
Chicken is slow-cooked in two sauces, then shredded. Served on rolls with your favorite hot sauce, sour cream, and shredded cheese. YUM! Use your favorite...