Meatballs are one of those foods that really remind me of childhood. Spaghetti and meatballs are definitely one of those 'comfort foods.' Try this simple...
Very easy - perfect for young cooks. So delicious, even the kids will love it! This dish goes very well with garlic mashed potatoes and a vegetable side...
This is such an easy weeknight meal. It can be made in 30 minutes and is especially delicious served with mashed potatoes. Make sure to use fresh mozzarella...
These ground chicken meatballs are a fun and tasty way to enjoy the flavor of sriracha. They make great little party appetizers, meatball subs, or a filling...
A recipe that my mom gave me. They're great hors d'oeuvres for holiday parties! Serve them warm with the cranberry sauce as the dip. Cheddar can be substituted...
Look no further: you'll want to add these savory bison meatballs to every festive menu. The seasonings used in this recipe naturally enhance the meat's...
These plant-based meatballs with spinach, nutritional yeast, and vegan bread crumbs deliver lots of flavor. We like more of a crunchy, dry meatball so...
Crispy potato skin coffins topped with cheesy mummified meatballs. Halloween never tasted so good! Homemade meatballs are best but feel free to use already...
This was always a favorite of mine while growing up. Loved to go to Grandma's when she was making this meatball dish. Never thought to get the recipe before...
I make these Whole30® meatballs almost every week and the leftovers are gone by the next day because they're so good. Serve over zucchini noodles with...
What is better than the best beef grown in the US and the best mushies to grace the genus Pleurotus? Putting them together of course. I work at a restaurant...
Zoodles, or zucchini noodles, are a low-calorie, gluten-free alternative to traditional pasta. Want to give them a taste test? This savory recipe features...
Very tasty meatballs full of spice and sauteed to perfection. I usually serve mine with spaghetti, but I've also served them with a BBQ sauce and rice...
This is, by far, the best recipe for porcupine meatballs I have ever had. This is a recipe that was given to my mom when she married back in 1970. The...
Give it up for this crowd-pleasing creamy pasta dish! Tender pork and ricotta meatballs are cooked with crème fraîche and stirred through tagliatelle,...
When you don't want carbs but are craving Italian, there are not many options available. We find this dish hearty and satisfying, even without the flour...
My husband would eat this for dinner every night if I would let him. It took his family 10 years of marriage to share this secret recipe with me (apparently,...
Great appetizer or entree. I make this every Christmas so my kids call them Christmas meatballs. Serve with toothpicks as an appetizer or with mashed potatoes...
These Asian-inspired meatball appetizers are easy to throw together and are a little different than all the other cocktail meatball recipes out there....
These sweet and sour meatballs are always a hit at parties. My mom sometimes takes shortcuts and uses pre-made meatballs from a bag, which, after spending...
Zesty porcupine meatballs with bell peppers have from-scratch flavor with shortcuts! Serve over pasta, next to pasta with a simple sauce (I like just olive...
Oh! Meatballs, just like nonna used to make! Well, not exactly, but trust us when we say these are absolutely delicious. This Bobby Flay meatball recipe...