This recipe came to me when I was doing a Spanish themed party for a Hemingway book. Everyone LOVED the sauce so much I try to make it all the time. However,...
This is one of those classic dishes that somehow became a cliche, and people stopped making it for fear of looking un-cool, which is too bad, since it's...
A five-star recipe for sirloin steak cooked in butter, garlic and wine, and then set on fire! Crushed peppercorns, brandy, and a cream sauce give this...
Juicy chicken is smothered in a rich mushroom sauce, which gets its depth of flavor from combining beef broth and sweet Madeira wine. Easy enough for a...
This chicken and mushrooms recipe video is an experiment in extreme self-control; I wanted to challenge myself to make a chicken and mushrooms recipe using...
It doesn't get much easier than this by cooking everything in one pot. Italian sausage and pasta sauce with spaghetti noodles that you can have on the...
This ultimate pork tenderloin is baked in the oven with mushrooms, onions and a bottle of beer. It comes out so tender, it melts in your mouth. Thank you...
Dry brining is the easiest way to get a moist and flavorful turkey on the table for your Thanksgiving dinner. Plan ahead, you'll need a few days to get...
If you leave Indiana, nobody will know what you are talking about. But if you come visit us, you will make it a point to grab one of these on your next...
These flavorful chicken breasts are grilled to perfection, then topped with a sweet and spicy, colorful pineapple salsa. The dish is mildly spicy, however...
This is the perfect turkey. The maple adds a sweet flavor that is just divine. A family favorite! Substitute 2 teaspoons dried marjoram if fresh marjoram...
Here is a recipe to get your creative juices flowing! Chicken breasts marinated in the flavors of the Caribbean isles: Citrus, garlic, herbs and a little...
Jazz up your pork tenderloin with this spicy-sweet combo of apples, cider, sweet potatoes, and as much or as little heat as your palate requires! This...
I've done more than a few lamb dishes dedicated to Easter, but inexplicably have never posted one for a whole leg of lamb. It's such a classic Easter menu...
When it comes to mustard, sweet-hot works amazingly well, especially as a glaze for chicken. Even though we are using skin-on bone-in chicken thighs, I'm...
These chicken breasts are fast, easy, and delicious. By 'pan-roasting,' you can easily monitor the internal temp. Leaving the skin on adds a lot of flavor...
The legend goes that Tartare tribes when fighting in the past didn't even have time to stop and cook their food. They are said to have kept the meat underneath...
Chunks of pork shoulder cook low and slow in an apple cider sauce until perfectly tender and sauce has thickened. This is delicious served over spätzle...
I was forced to create these when my favorite brand stopped making their lamb meatballs, which were a staple in my little food-obsessed world. They're...