Kentucky burgoo is a thick stew of simmered pork, veal, beef, lamb, poultry, and vegetables, traditionally served at large outdoor parties. This is a lighter...
Tender slices of roasted lamb combined with white beans can become the main ingredients of a light and inviting meal. Make this recipe with leftovers from...
This versatile lunch salad works well with whatever meats you have on hand. It's an Italian take on the chopped salad with spicy marinated vegetables and...
You need two skillets for this chicken dinner recipe-one to cook the thighs and one to put on top as a weight, which helps the meat stay moist and the...
Taco Salad is a delicious and thoroughly satisfying meal. Ground turkey stands in for beef; nonfat yogurt laced with lime juice, jalapeno, and cilantro...
We went all out with our new Croque Monsieur; it's a triple cheese threat made with Fontina in the sandwich, Parmesan in the bechamel sauce, and grated...
Bacon and toasted almonds add irresistible flavor and texture to snap beans. Regular green beans, wax beans, wide Romano beans, or thin string beans all...
Cooking the chicken on the stove top beforehand takes all the guesswork out of grilling bone-in pieces. The brine, which does double duty as an overnight...
Dry, moderate heat cooks a pork roast to tender perfect; barbecue sauce adds moisture and sweetness to the meat in this pulled-pork sandwiches on brioche...
Date molasses is the secret ingredient in these flavor-packed grilled lamb chops. It's paired with a toasted Arabic spice blend for the marinade, then...
In the time it takes to prepare this hearty dish, you will have chicken on hand for later use. Orzo with carrots is a tasty change from the usual rice...
Jean-Georges Vongerichten, owner of Prime Steakhouse, at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, shares his recipe for this classic meal. For a tender, juicy...
This salad can be tossed together before serving, but another delightful option is to spread the ingredients out on wooden cutting boards and let guests...
Boneless, skinless chicken breast plus yellow and green bell peppers sizzle together on a sheet pan while tortillas warm in the same oven. Topped with...
Instead of cooking the chicken in a traditional tandoor oven, we pan-fried ours in a cast-iron skillet. Cool off with a side of cucumber spears and a salad...