Good meatloaf is about as comforting as comfort food gets. Thankfully, meatloaf doesn't have to be complex to be good. It just needs to be tender (from...
The almost universal appeal of roasted chicken stems from its power to comfort. The ideal roasted chicken recipe will leave your chicken golden brown and...
Perfect for pot roast recipes, inexpensive chuck is one of the most flavorful cuts of beef. Simmering it slowly and gently in the oven results in a wonderfully...
Chicken breasts, broccoli, and mushrooms are smothered in a creamy Mornay sauce and topped with a blanket of cheesy breadcrumbs in this classic Chicken...
Follow our foolproof recipe for a restaurant-quality pan-fried steak in under 10 minutes. Serve with a simple steak sauce and a classic side like roasted...
You can make this beef stew in the oven or a slow cooker. Either way, in two simple steps, you will have a warming, wholesome, and wonderfully flavorful...
This classic Hungarian dish will fill you up and keep you warm on a chilly fall night. A healthy dose of paprika gives this dish its deep brick-red color....
Ground beef and sweet Italian sausage enrich the sauce for this beloved baked pasta, while no-boil lasagna noodles speed up the process. Check out our...
Also see our step-by-step photo tutorial for making Chicken Fricassee. A fricassee is halfway between a saute and a stew. A true classic -- with as many...
Not your average blue-plate special, this meatloaf recipe brings three ground meats together with a sweet-and-sour glaze to form a tender and moist mealtime...
Chicken breasts with a crunchy breadcrumb-and-almond-sliver coating are a light and satisfying springtime entree. Serve them with Orzo with Peas and Mint...
The longer the lamb marinates in the seasoning paste, the better flavor you'll have. Anywhere from 1 to 24 hours will work, but overnight is best. Slice...
This nostalgic dish evokes the Old School casseroles your grandmother used to make-but in easy mode to make it quick, delicious, and great for a weeknight....
While beef broth might seem like an unexpected ingredient, it's a must for authentic German potato salad. Mixed with sauteed onions, it gives the vinegary...
Stuffed cabbage is not only filling, but it's also simple to prepare. Our hearty stuffed cabbage recipe calls for meat, veggies, and more. Serve stuffed...
This oven-roasted chicken recipe showcases juicy, flavorful thighs with a lemony sauce that makes itself in the pan. It's the ideal weeknight dinner for...
This classic Italian dish includes fettuccine tossed with butter and Parmesan cheese, and it's quick and easy to make. U.S. versions of the dish may include...
This St. Patrick's Day favorite couldn't be simpler to make. By making your corned beef and cabbage in a slow cooker, all of the hard work is done for...
You don't need a special paella pan to make this easy take on the classic Spanish dish. Use a wide, shallow saute pan with a lid. Chicken sausage and shrimp...
"When I'm preparing this dish, it's all I can do to wait until it's finished simmering to get a taste of the awesome gravy. You've simply gotta cook some...
This comfort-food recipe combines chicken thighs, plump dumplings, and plenty of vegetables for a meal that's warm and filling. Everything is ready in...
These restaurant-worthy chops are ready in just 20 minutes. If it's available, choose grass-fed lamb instead of grain-fed -- the flavor simply can't be...
Prep these beef stroganoff ingredients, cover the pot, and go! Simmering and braising beef stroganoff for a long time at a low temperature yields extra-intense...
Whenever you make breaded and fried chicken, it disappears almost immediately. Try our foolproof three-step method for perfect results every time, then...
This recipe for Braised Pork Chops is from "Southern Country Cooking from the Loveless Cafe," by Jane and Michael Stern. Try serving this with hush puppies...
Jambalaya, a one-pot New Orleans favorite, always includes meat or seafood and vegetables; this easy rendition is full of chicken, spicy andouille sausage,...