Crispy Baked Ranch Chicken made easy! Using only 5 ingredients, you can create a yummy chicken dinner in just over 30 minutes. Simple, delicious and perfect...
This spinach chickpea stew turns a bag of frozen spinach and some chickpeas into a wholesome one-pot dinner to feed a crowd! There are variations of this...
This marinated flank steak recipe will have everyone singing your praises, begging for the recipe and coming back for seconds and thirds. The flank steak...
No need for a food processor when you make these ridiculously easy veggie burgers! Just mash chickpeas, hummus, and a handful of other ingredients together...
Juicy tomatoes and cucumbers along with salty olives, red onion, tender pasta, and spinach are tossed together with creamy feta cheese in a homemade dressing...
These Slow Cooker Ribs are tender, juicy and so easy to make. With boneless, country style ribs, liquid smoke, brown sugar, onion and BBQ sauce this is...
This salmon is marinated in a bright, fresh lemon garlic herb marinade then grilled to perfection. It's such a delicious and refreshing salmon recipe and...
I'm sharing my mom's secret to the softest and fluffiest piroshki (Russian hand pies) with simple beef and rice filling, but you can fill yours with whatever...
Sweet and Sour Shrimp is a quick Chinese meal made all in on pot! Succulent seafood is stir-fried with bell peppers, zucchini, pineapple and then tossed...
Roast sweet potato, peppers, courgette and spinach combine to make this easy veggie lasagne. We really do think this is the best vegetable lasagne recipe...
This easy honey glaze produces an exceptionally moist and tasty grilled chicken breast. You can never have too many great chicken recipes. Just follow...
Thick and creamy Clam Chowder is one of my favorite easy soup recipes, and this one has all the traditional elements we love, like diced potatoes, veggies...
A Classic Old-Fashioned Goulash with Beef, veggies and noodles will be your go-to dinner any night of the week. Don't worry about food going to waste,...
Thai green curry is the most well-known Thai dish outside Thailand. Why? It has a distinct green color that set it apart from Indian curries which are...
These delicious chili and lime shrimp are loaded with flavor and perfect for a quick and easy low carb meal. Made with simple ingredients and quick to...
Stuffed peppers are no doubt a family favorite. They're filling, healthy, easily customizable, and make for a delicious leftovers and meal prep. Watch...
This Cranberry Chicken Bake is exactly that. It is both sweet and savory and easy to make. I love the taste of the fresh cranberries with this. They add...
Slow Cooker Beef Bourguignon has crazy tender melt in your mouth beef and hearty veggies slow cooked to perfection in a rich sauce. This meal is comforting...
This chicken and tomato dish with all the spices served over rice will quickly become a favorite. Serve it to family and guests for a real comfort food...
Get the Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe for quick weight loss and detox. Also get the printable 7-Day Diet Soup Eating Chart to put on your fridge and easily...
This Easy Homemade Pizza Dough recipe yields the best ever homemade pizza in 30 minutes from start to finish! It's made with only 5 ingredients and does...