Coconut Chicken Fingers are wonderfully crispy with a little sweetness and spice. Dip them in a flavorful honey sriracha sauce for a fantastic appetizer...
Crustless Spinach Quiche recipe that's quick & easy and tastes absolutely delicious! Packed with protein from milk, cheese and eggs, this easy quiche recipe...
Sautéed onions, jalapeno, mushrooms, and broccoli get served with gluten free rice noodles, all coated in an easy + super creamy Spicy Tahini sauce. You...
I could eat a Bacon Wrapped Chicken Lollipop for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and I'd be happy! Juicy, perfectly tender chicken drumsticks are liberally...
3 Ingredient Cauliflower Spanish Rice is a quick and easy recipe you are going to love for those busy nights. Ready in under 20 minutes and full of wholesome...
Not only is this easy-to-make Mediterranean Grouper packed with flavor, but as a bonus, it is also a light and healthy fish entrée. It's a wonderful...
Didn't make the whole chicken, instead cooked one chicken breast with skin and bone. Followed the recipe exactly, and roasted the chicken in the oven until...
This is a perfect side dish for pork, chicken or salmon, especially when those proteins are seasoned with Asian spices or marinades. Try doubling the glaze...
Experience a taste of Jamaica right from your own kitchen. This creamy cajun pasta is packed full of flavor and has the perfect kick of heat depending...
Hot or cold, our best ever fried chicken, crispy and golden brown, will be a winner at every summer party. Try our tasty variations including Chili-Lime,...
One of Applebee's top-selling signature dishes, this tasty dish combines the tangy flavor of the tequila lime marinade with creamy southwestern-style dressing,...
This easy Vegetarian Burritos Recipe combines beans, quinoa, veggies and of course cheese for a healthy lunch on the go or weeknight dinner. Add meat or...
Packed with colorful veggies. Makes an excellent main course. Leave meat out of the equation and try this tasty dish that will satisfy your hunger like...
This Slow Cooker Sweet and Spicy Pulled Pork recipe combines brown sugar, garlic, red pepper, lemon pepper and ginger for a delicious main dish that is...
Instant Pot Pepper Jack Chicken is a delicious adaptation of our VERY popular Crock Pot Pepper Jack Chicken recipe. This low carb recipe is the perfect...
Honey Pecan Chicken- tender pieces of white chicken meat coated in a buttery sweet Honey Pecan Sauce. Serve over white rice for a southern meal you will...