I start this with plenty of fruit, add the yogurt for dressing, then mix in just enough marshmallows and coconut so it tastes like the fresh and creamy...
My husband is Greek, so I'm always trying new Mediterranean recipes. This lemon chicken orzo soup is his favorite dish that I make. Serve it with a little...
For an impressive salad , try this tasty mixture of hearty shrimp and crabmeat with a creamy dressing. "one of my favorite Aunts gave me the recipe for...
When we were young mothers, I asked my best friend if she had a recipe for an easy ambrosia salad that I could take to a cookout later that evening. She...
As one of the cooks at the firehouse, I used to prepare meals for 10 men. This firehouse chili recipe was among their favorites. -Richard Clements, San...
When I take this dish to potlucks during the holidays, people always ooh and aah. Feel free to top with whipped cream for added appeal. —Carol Mead,...
I made this salad to take advantage of seasonal potatoes, onions and green beans. It's a perfect twist on the tangy German potato salad my mom used to...
I received the recipe for this cool antipasto salad from longtime friends. A pleasant dressing complements the meats, veggies and cheese, making this colorful...
A friend of mine shared this recipe with me after I raved about the delightful salad at dinner. I have served it for years now, and no matter where i take...
I found our favorite soup in an unexpected place-a children's cookbook! This creamy comfort food is not only delicious but also scaled down to make a small...
I make this zippy, satisfying soup all the time, and it's my dad's favorite. The recipe makes a lot, and I have found that it freezes well and tastes just...
"I'm apt to add blue cheese to anything I can think of, including this tangy slaw. I make it ahead of time because the longer it sits, the better it tastes."...
"Cooking for two is such a challenge for us, since my husband and I do not care for leftovers," says Rebecca Schweizer of Chesapeake, Virginia. "This well-seasoned...
Just before the first frost of the season, we gather up all of the tomatoes from my mom's garden to create this flavor-packed soup. Although it sounds...
This quick and easy chicken noodle soup recipe is perfect for a cold, wintry day. It is my favorite thing to eat when I'm not feeling well; it makes me...
Jarred roasted red peppers, canned white beans, and a bunch of pasta water make this pasta sauce flavorful, thick, creamy, and totally vegan. But the crunchy...
Here's what you need: olive oil, butter, yellow onion, salt, sugar, flour, beef stock, white wine, ground sage, whole bay leaf, french bread, cognac, swiss...
This crunchy salad is often on our Sunday dinner menu, and we like to take it to potlucks. We never tire of it, and judging by the compliments, our friends...
"As a working mom of two daughters, I'm always looking for a quick meal," notes Christine Weimar from New Britain, Pennsylvania. "I make these hearty sandwiches...
Here's what you need: cherry tomato, shredded carrot, yellow bell pepper, red onion, asparagus, shrimp, olive oil, chili powder, fresh oregano, salt, pepper,...
This chicken tortilla soup is as good as (if not better than) any I've had in a restaurant. I get so many compliments when I serve it: you will, too. -Laura...
Even people who don't like peas love this crunchy recipe, including my own children. I love the fact that it's so easy and makes a refreshing alternative...
A dear German friend gave me this recipe. I take this satisfying potato salad to gatherings all year-round. The seasonings give a traditional potato salad...
This is a tasty and wholesome sandwich to make for one or two. It's a nice twist on a grilled cheese, very tasty and filling and especially good with rye...
This unusual slaw recipe from my mother combines all the ingredients, then stores in the freezer. Remember to thaw before serving. - Alice Campbell, Dickinson,...
Brighten blustery gray days with steaming bowlfuls of soup that's the color of California sunshine. Jane Shapton really wowed our taste panel with her...
One summer I combined my love for onions with a bumper crop of tomatoes and a homemade balsamic dressing. The result was this salad that receives thumbs-up...
After trying a similar version of this coleslaw while visiting the island of St. Kitts, I returned home and wanted to make it myself. I've taken it to...
This recipe for classic southern comfort food was the first thing I ever cooked for my girlfriend. It was simple to make but tasted gourmet-definitely...
These hearty sandwiches are served with individual ramekins of well-seasoned beef au jus for dipping. This recipe is a favorite of ours when time is of...
A no-fuss side dish is great when entertaining. The asparagus is cooked and chilled in advance, then stands at room temperature in the marinade while I...
I experimented with different variations, and this is the best chicken vegetable soup recipe I came up with. It's especially good to take to potlucks or...
The goat cheese, when tossed with the hot pasta, melts and becomes a creamy sauce. We've learned that it's a good idea to taste your goat cheese before...
This tangy potato salad stirs memories of my grandma, who made it for us. Now my mom makes it with brats and sauerkraut, truly the best meal! -Devin Mulertt,...
People love the unique combination of flavors in the dressing that tops the fresh fruit in this salad. It's so refreshing on a hot summer evening. -Taste...
When I was growing up, my grandfather would often serve steaming bowls of corn chowder. I tried to capture that wonderful flavor and came up with this...
My husband is Korean American, and I enjoy working Asian flavors into our menus. This tasty soup was something I put together one night with what we had...
I used to live in Australia, where this soup is served often. I had to have the recipe, and now it's one of my family's favorites. -Tiffany Pope, Draper,...