Oh my gosh, is this good! Rich and savory with just a little bit of heat. Even if you've never been a Gouda fan, this will make a believer out of you....
This white queso recipe is similar to white cheese sauces served in Mexican restaurants. The heat can be adjusted by adding chili pepper or more cayenne...
This white queso recipe is similar to white cheese sauces served in Mexican restaurants. The heat can be adjusted by adding chili pepper or more cayenne...
Whether you eat it cold, piping hot right out of the oven, or after it's cooled a bit, you'll agree that this creamy, cheesy dip full of corn, tomatoes,...
I fell in love with Carlos O'Kelly's chili con queso with chicken, and experimented until I came up with something I think is a great imitation. It's often...
This dip is made for 3 to 6 men, sitting together on a Sunday, enjoying football and eating every manly thing possible. Of course, my girlfriend and her...
I had this at a party once and couldn't get enough. It is quick and simple, and tastes terrific. Cubes of chicken meat and two cheese are baked with hot...
A hot tasty dip that is sure to please everyone. Artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers add a pleasant zing to this mild crowd pleaser that's perfect...
Put this in front of the guys during the next game and watch it disappear! It's easy to control the heat by removing the seeds and ribs (the whitish membrane...
A hot tasty dip that is sure to please everyone. Artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers add a pleasant zing to this mild crowd pleaser that's perfect...
A delicious warm appetizer to put out that soon everyone will gobble up. Quick and easy to make with few ingredients. Puts a whole new meaning to ham and...
This is a great dip for a football party. If you don't like the spicy stuff, omit them. I have also used just red pepper flakes and added more pepperoni....
This is a spicy dip that has become a staple for football watching in our house! Chicken, cream cheese, ranch, cheddar, and hot sauce are combined to make...