Chopped salad is a easy, tasty salad recipe perfect for Summer eating. It's great for emptying the fridge and is perfect for effortless entertaining. Vegetarian,...
This wonderful, healthy slow cooker chicken tikka masala is my take on a comforting Indian dish made with tomato sauce, chicken breast, coconut milk, and...
Goat cheese & spinach stuffed chicken breast make an amazing low carb and keto-friendly dinner! These baked chicken breasts are easily cut 'hasselback...
No bake oatmeal peanut butter cookie energy bites that taste just like your favorite cookie! These delicious, easy oatmeal cookie energy bites are packed...
The BEST vegan mac and cheese recipe with a deliciously creamy vegan cashew cheese sauce! This easy vegan mac and cheese can be made in a few simple steps,...
Tangy and delicious vitamin C packed strawberry orange banana smoothie made with fresh fruit and creamy almond milk. This easy, 4-ingredient smoothie is...
Incredible street corn chicken tacos made with flavorful sazon grilled chicken, seasoned grilled corn, fresh avocado salsa and an addicting jalapeño lime...
I keep a BIG batch of this homemade dog food seasoning blend on hand at all times because it's fast and easy for me, but you don't have to go as big as...
Delicious chipotle chicken tostadas topped with a colorful, fresh pineapple salsa. These healthy chicken tostadas are easy to make and have an incredible...
Fluffy, healthy carrot cake pancakes made right in your blender with delicious spices. These easy carrot cake pancakes are dairy free, naturally sweetened...
This Szechuan Pork & Green Bean Stir Fry is a spicy one pan dish that takes just 15 minutes to make! It's a great weeknight dinner you can throw together...
Delicious hot chili chicken noodles tossed in an easy, flavorful meat sauce. These sweet & spicy chicken noodles are packed with protein and seriously...
Wonderful pineapple broccoli chicken stir fry with a flavorful sweet and sour sauce. This easy pineapple chicken stir fry recipe takes just 30 minutes...
Bright and fresh, this incredible black rice salad isn't only flavorful, it's packed with nutrients too. It's sweet, creamy, and crunchy, and topped with...
Incredible, flourless black bean muffins that taste like a delicious, cakey brownie. That's right, the secret ingredient in these easy, fiber packed...
Tropical mango pineapple coconut smoothie made with three simple ingredients for a creamy texture that tastes like your favorite piña colada. You'll love...
Incredible cinnamon walnut pear crisp made with simple ingredients and topped with a delicious oat walnut crumble. This easy pear crisp recipe tastes just...
Chopped Caprese salad. An easy way to toss together this delicious vegetarian appetizer and perfect for sharing - or for keeping the whole bowl to yourself....
Beautiful avocado peach salsa made with fresh, juicy peaches, creamy avocado, sweet corn and a kick of heat from jalapeño. This bright and flavorful peach...
Fluffy almond flour pancakes made with just 5 core ingredients: almond flour, coconut or almond milk, eggs, oil and vanilla extract. These keto almond...
Looking for an authentic Italian recipe? Try Barilla's step-by-step recipe for Barilla® Gluten Free Penne with Spicy Italian Sausage & Mushroom Ragout...
Delicious protein pancakes made in a blender with ingredients like potassium rich banana, protein-packed cottage cheese and oats! Nearly 20g protein per...
Delicious sesame chicken meatballs with crispy broccoli and a sweet and spicy ginger sesame sauce. These flavorful, protein-packed sesame chicken meatball...
Incredible, fudgy chocolate zucchini cake that's deliciously moist thanks to siggi's vanilla yogurt and naturally sweetened with pure maple syrup & coconut...
These Keto Turtles, or Keto Caramel Pecan Clusters as some people call them, are the perfect Keto Candy! They feature nuts coated in an easy and creamy...
I love the Spanish inspired flavours of this sheet pan Spanish chicken, chorizo and veggies. With a hands on prep time of just 10 minutes (plus 30 minutes...
Gorgeous lemon blueberry smoothie with bright flavors from fresh lemon juice and juicy blueberries. This easy, vegan lemon blueberry smoothie is naturally...
Incredible healthy monster cookies packed with peanut butter flavor, chocolate chips, coconut, chocolate candy pieces and nuts. These flourless monster...
These really are the best Shrimp Burgers! They are packed with chunks of shrimp, lemon and herb and are light and fresh in flavour. They take just 30 minutes...
Creamy pumpkin mac and cheese with savory bacon and a boost of veggies from spinach. This easy pumpkin mac and cheese bake is filled with delicious pumpkin...
Delicious garlic white bean basil hummus made with flavorful garlic, zesty lemon juice, and fresh basil. The perfect, easy homemade hummus to pair with...
Delicious, healthy slow cooker black bean pumpkin turkey chili bursting with sweet & spicy flavors thanks to hints of maple, cinnamon, chili powder & cayenne....
These Whole30 and Paleo Vietnamese Lettuce Wraps are packed with fresh flavours and tender marinated pork. With a cook time of under 10 minutes, this is...
An easy recipe with only 7 ingredients like this sautéed cauliflower with bacon is perfect for any busy workday dinner. It's a little spicy, gluten-free...
Incredible no bake peanut butter fudge made with just 5 simple ingredients! This easy peanut butter freezer fudge has chunks of peanut butter cups in every...