These pumpkin cupcakes have become a fall family favorite! They are so easy and delicious! This batter rises quite a bit and will make more than the cupcake...
This holiday trifle is a unique showstopper of a dessert and is ridiculously easy. Every time I make it, I get raves because the presentation is beautifully...
This is a simple and easy lunch or dinner recipe for chicken curry with kabocha pumpkin and eggplant. It's delicious, and the ingredients used are simple...
My grandmother made this many years ago. My children love it. The cooked pumpkin around the 'shepherd's pie' is sweet and delicious! What a surprise when...
These vegan bruschetta-stuffed zucchini boats are not only low-carb, they are delicious! So easy to make, these can be an appetizer, main dish, side dish,...
I hate pumpkin pie and this recipe finally made me an acceptable guest at Thanksgiving dinners. Picture hearing 'What?! How can you hate pumpkin pie?!'...
This smoothie tastes like a milkshake - a healthy milkshake! The frozen bananas really give it that thick, creamy texture. Freeze your fruit the night...
We made this recipe in third grade and the teacher sent a copy of the recipe home. I loved it so much I insisted my Mom make it, too. Ever since then it's...
So moist and yummy! You'd never know they were gluten-free unless I told you so! I prefer to buy my rice flour from the Asian market for the extra-fine...
We take the classic flavors of cinnamon toast and turn it into a crust in this simple pumpkin pie recipe. Serve with plenty of whipped cream and a sprinkle...
Roasting pumpkin not only brings out its natural sweetness, it also develops a creamy texture. Top it off with hot honey, and you have a unique way to...
I found some ready-made sofrito in the freezer section of a grocery and I also found a homemade version of it at a Latin American grocery in the refrigerator...
These low-carb cheesecakes are creamy good with a subtle taste of pumpkin, a little crunch from pecans, and are perfect for portion control. Keep any remaining...
This recipe was from my elderly neighbor and I loved as a child. She has long since passed away but whenever I make these the happy childhood memories...
This is a very old recipe and it seems like there are a lot of ingredients, but it is worth the effort. I use the extra whipping cream to decorate the...
An egg-free and salt-free fried squash patty recipe. A great way to use the squash that may be out of hand in your garden, especially the ones that aren't...
Jicama, corn, black beans, and tomatoes combined with a tangy lime dressing. Perfect as a side for your favorite Mexican dish, but hearty enough to be...
This pumpkin cake is absolutely delicious! I personally do not like the taste of pumpkin, but you would never know that it is in this moist, yummy, easy-to-make...
This dish was inspired by 2 enormous zucchinis given to us by our neighbors. When split in half they were too large for my deep lasagna casserole dish!...
Spaghetti squash served with a creamy pumpkin sauce made with Greek yogurt. Can be made with non-fat Greek yogurt and reduced-fat cheese for a lighter...