This fantastic recipe has been in my family for years. Its spicy custard filling with praline crust complements any holiday meal. You may substitute evaporated...
Light fluffy couscous with a touch of olive oil with roasted veggies. Dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. A great vegetarian dish. A delight,...
Early in the summer, I found an unknown plant growing in my front garden. Think it might be a squash vine, I let it grow and discovered cushaws! Sweet...
Bring some interest to cauliflower with this flavorful side dish that's been known to convert cauliflower-haters into cauliflower-lovers. Especially good...
After getting this recipe from a friend, I have made them over 100 times for family and friends and they are always a hit, especially around Halloween...
This is a simple and beautiful way to cook a whole cauliflower. These cauliflower steaks look beautiful on their own, and even better alongside a bit of...
A little maple syrup brings life to chicken thighs and caramelizes Brussels sprouts and sweet potato wedges. Dried cranberries and pecans add tartness...
A wonderful use for fall squash. If there is too much filling, surplus may be baked in custard cups set in pan of hot water. Do not bake together with...
It can't get any easier than this! Just two ingredients and you have a moist delicious cake. Great when frosted with your favorite cream cheese frosting....
I'm an RN and a patient's family shared this recipe with me when I was complaining about having too much zucchini. It tastes surprisingly like apple, most...
I cooked some bow tie pasta (farfalle) and tossed with some sauteed vegetables. Simple and delicious. Makes for a great side dish with chicken or meat...
A creamy and cheesy casserole with summer squash, zucchini, spinach, mushrooms and a buttery cracker crumb topping. It is so cheesy and yummy that you...
Healthy and full of flavor, sriracha honey Brussels sprouts are crispy and coated with a delicious sweet and spicy sauce. Perfect side dish for any meal!...
These cauliflower fritters are easy to make and a different way to have cauliflower. So delicious and tasty. I've made these a number of times for my family...
This is a very simple recipe for Swiss chard. I like to use the whole vegetable but you need to saute the stems and the leaves separately as the stems...
Recently, I was asked to bake for a wedding and asked if I could make this dessert. I was so excited when I realized this was a recipe I had been looking...
My Samoyed, as he grew out of puppyhood, refused to eat kibble (and even canned food) and would go days without eating or eating very little until he lost...
Roasting garlic alongside the spaghetti squash makes double use of the oven time, and adds double the flavor. This spaghetti squash is great on its own,...
The flesh of spaghetti squash comes out in long strands, very much resembling the noodles for which it is named. In this recipe, the 'noodles' are tossed...