Cool and refreshing. Ready in less than 5 minutes and you don't need an ice cream maker. Plus you can make a mango smoothie with this same recipe! And...
This is quick, easy, and brings out your sweet tooth! I prefer maple syrup but you can use any kind of syrup according to your sweet tooth. Honey also...
Tired of the same old daily routine and in need of a mental escape? Whip up some of this simple adult ice cream, crawl into a hammock, close your eyes,...
Knowing that a custard ice cream base uses a cooked custard, and because commercial eggnog is cooked and thick in a similar way, I decided to try making...
This started as an experiment with a custard-style ice cream base and has become a requested favorite for get-togethers. The sweetness of the peach and...
Coffee ice cream is my favorite flavor, and I wanted to see if I could use the cold brew technique to get pure coffee flavor in the base. I think it worked...
We're turning s'mores into the perfect Father's Day-inspired dessert. Your father will associate this pie with so many things men love: building fires,...
This recipe combines the flavors of coffee and chocolate into an ice cream pie. For something different, try using coffee or chocolate chip ice cream in...
This is such a fun recipe! It's a simple, quick treat you can make at home that tastes delicious! For a lighter version, substitute milk for the heavy...
A massively underrated summer dessert, semifreddo has a rich taste, and you get what's basically an airy, custard-style ice cream without having to use...
Fresh snow turned ice cream in 5 minutes or less! Fun to do with kids. The toppings/mix-in options are endless. Fresh fruit is a great mix in for snow...
I created this recipe after my daughter's pediatrician bugged me about her being too skinny! That was 8 years ago, but the kids still love to eat these...
This is the best Vanilla Ice Cream you'll ever eat. The pudding makes it so much creamier than plain vanilla ice cream. If you want to add fruit, put the...
I searched everywhere for a recipe like this on the 'net. Lots of looking but no success, so here's one I came up with. My family loves this, and it's...
This recipe uses all-natural ingredients and is very fruity, refreshing, and perfect for summer time. Quick preparation and easy to make: just blend ingredients...
I was trying to make lemonade ice pops and they didn't quite harden. I scooped them into a bowl and this is the result. Creamy, lemony, sweet, and tart...
Quick to make and no ice cream machine needed! After trying different variations of ingredients, I finally figured out a combination that produced a smooth...
The fruit of the prickly pear cactus (often called 'cactus fig' or 'tuna,') is sweet and juicy. Coupled with lime and frozen, it makes a light, refreshing...