This is a great meal for any pampered pooch. I have a friend who only serves homemade dog foods like this one. The serving size would depend on the size...
Some of you know we have an elderly and ailing Harrier Hound named Buster. I'm having to cook his food now. Here is one recipe he just gobbled down and...
My husband and I love to feed the birds and watch them go for it...We have quite a few different birds that visit us every year...This is great for our...
My girls are loving this recipe to help with their summer weight loss. I tend to get "treat" happy which put on extra pounds so it is my fault and because...
My dog loves his ice cream especially on a hot day. I buy the 2 ounce cups of real ice cream and after we eat the ice cream I save them and wash them out...
I love this recipe for making dog food for my girls, Cleo (Carolina Dog) and Dixie (Beagle mix). This recipe makes enough to last my two dogs about one...
Parsley leaves and Stems are very nutritive. The leaves have antiseptic properties that are helpful in treating urinary tract infections, boosts kidney...
This is fun, when the kids were little we would string Pop corn and cranberries and use them to decorate the tree and after the holiday we would hang them...
hi im danielle im not sherry i am her daughter.we adopted a 15 year old chihuahua(boo)with a peanut allergy he can tolerate it but not in such portions...
I love this one, I can use one of my bread recipes or frozen store bought bread dough to make it...I have been wanting to make this for a while and now...
This is a winter treat for the bluebirds. And a recipe by jerry baker. The recipe is done in parts. you can make that any amount. 1/4 cup or 10 cups when...
This is the one of the recipes for homemade dog food that I use for my dogs. Every evening, I feed them this food over my homemade Kibble, then cover it...
I can say that these have been tested and approved by family and friends, but my dogs approve of everything! All people ingredients. My cousin actually...
I got this recipe from I haven't tried it yet. I have no experience w/diabetic dogs. I just looked this up because...
I've tried some other concoctions and quite a few are very crumbly. I hate having half the stuff fall on the ground when I'm stuffing the holes in my feeder...
This recipe is for my friend Bobbi Auttonberry here @ Just A Pinch, it is a recipe that she can make for her dog. Now that I have converted her husband...
My dogs really love these treats. I started making them when I was asked to stop stinking the house when cooking liver treats. These are great because...
Keep ticks out of your lawn with a homemade tick insecticide. Ticks feed on the blood of humans and animals. They live in tall grass and trees. They carry...
This recipe was given to me by the local Imminent Danger German Shepherd Rescue. Pumpkin and oatmeal are healthy for your canine friends. Bake them up...
Buying doggie treats can get expensive so I found out what foods dogs can eat and made this cookie. They work well when trying to train your little puppy...
My dog just loves these. When I have some bananas left, I can divide them in half and freeze them. I only make a half batch at once since he is small,...
So many different goodies for our girls...I love variety and so do they...What is so nice is you aren't adding preservatives to the recipe like they do...
Yesterday I was out of Raptor's snacks so I created these. To date they are one of only two biscuits she will eat. Such a fussy old gal. I made the oat...
Babies have to have their Christmas Goodies too.....they make great gifts for your dog groomer or a kennel...It is a great find for my girls when I found...
My Shih Tzu Gizmo has a slight addiction to peanut butter and bacon; but then again, who doesn't? I decided to try and make him some cookies one day, and...
Taken from all over the internet and friends and family If you see those two quart or gallon vinegar bottles on sale buy one, it lasts for l00 yrs and...
This dog food recipe makes two large pizza pans full of kibble. Store in the refrigerator or freeze it in the freezer because it contains no preservatives,...
This is fun, when the kids were little we would string Pop corn and cranberries and use them to decorate the tree and after the holiday we would hang them...
Luvin' Me Some Orange "Orange Lovers" I do hope you enjoy this cute recipe. Talk about savoring every bite?! LOL I was trying to think of things for the...
This is a super simple dog treat recipe that was given to me by my friend who is a veterinarian student. These are super easy to make and definitely healthier...
Feb. 10th, 2015 --UPDATE Back on April 20th, 2011 we decide to purchase another dog. So, I posted this as a request for naming our male Schoodle whose...