Even though this dish is healthy, it is also very tasty and can be elegantly plated for those special dinners. This is my tweaked version of a recipe found...
This is a great way to grill salmon. It's easy and quick to prepare (no marinating, no resting time). The salmon blackens so nicely and gives a smoky tone...
My favorite part of visiting coastal North Carolina, besides the coast, is the Calabash style seafood. So good! My kids beg me to make this all the time....
It's called 'mainland poke' because it's made with things that are easy to find on the mainland. Traditional poke sometimes has ingredients that are difficult...
These marinated tuna steaks, served rare, taste 'fancy' but are very easy to cook. Even my husband, who doesn't like most cooked fish, enjoys these steaks....
My husband Anthony & I both love Tilapia and I like cooking it in the parchment paper for a clean and different taste. I love the smell of the coconut...
Traditionally, this bouillabaisse-like stew is rich with tomatoes and chunks of wild-caught freshwater fish such as perch, tench, eel, trout, and pike....
This is pan-fried swordfish with a stone ground mustard sauce. We usually BBQ our swordfish. My husband prefers his fish plain with just salt and pepper...
Smoked Salmon Patties are scrumptious fish cakes filled with smoked salmon, dill and a touch of Parmesan Cheese. They are flaky and flavorful on the inside...
Crispy fried fish topped with honeyed apples. This unique dish always get loads of compliments. Plus everyone is always surprised of the pairing of fish...
A twist on the classic flavors of fish and chips in a hand-held slider. Unlike the traditional dish, this fish is baked instead of fried, and the coleslaw...