A great recipe for monkfish or tilapia with garlic, tomatoes, mushrooms, and white wine. This is one of my mother's favorite recipes! Serve over pasta...
These bite-size mashed potato croquettes are filled with smoked trout, mozzarella, Parmesan, and chives. Freshly fried, they're just the kind of gooey,...
My husband and I love shrimp scampi. Since tilapia is usually cheaper than shrimp at the store, I concocted this easy recipe to enjoy the flavor of scampi...
Broiled tilapia crusted in herb and drizzled with garlic butter is simply divine in this gluten-free nightshade-free dish. If your diet allows, I highly...
Some dishes are best when they are as plain and simple as possible. Whole fish fried in butter and served with lemon and parsley potatoes: That is simple...
Turned out onto a platter and featured as one of many foods at a holiday buffet, this dish is always a big success. Even those who swear they would never...
Cheap, easy, cheesy tuna and noodles for college students on a shoe string budget. If you really wanna dress it up, you can add thinly sliced almonds or...