A tangy, easy recipe for almost any firm-fleshed fish fillets: red snapper, sea bass, grouper. Adaptable for sole, flounder, tilapia, and other thin fillets...
This is something a friend of mine showed me. It's super easy, not to mention delicious. I try to eat according to the paleolithic diet and this fits wonderfully....
This dish has always been my favorite, easy to make and easy to get the ingredients. It can be served with pita bread, salad, or steamed rice, but I prefer...
This dish has always been my favorite, easy to make and easy to get the ingredients. It can be served with pita bread, salad, or steamed rice, but I prefer...
Almost any whole fish can be cooked with this method, but snapper or sea bass are particularly good with the Thai flavors. If you can find it, try fresh...
Virtually every beer-battered fish recipe looks crispy coming out of the fryer, and some even stay crispy for a few minutes, but then the inevitable sogginess...
My mom gave me this recipe and it is very easy to prepare. The citrus sauce makes it a refreshing and flavorful dish. Buy 1/2 inch thick orange roughy...
An old recipe I got from my Grandmother for a classic New Orleans dish! Redfish, in a simple, delicious, almost creamy tomato style sauce! Simple and superb!!!...
This walleye recipe is the one my dad has been using for 25 years. It's light and clean-tasting because there's no sense in masking the naturally delicious...
This wonderful, tangy sauce really compliments the flavor of grilled swordfish steaks. Serve with the cucumber sauce, and the combination of flavors are...
This baked fish is easy to make and busting with flavor. Fillets are seasoned with garlic pepper, then bathed in a spicy red pepper and horseradish sauce,...
Crispy breaded fish without frying! My husband only likes deep-fried fish, and he loves this. Feel free to use your favorite seasonings. You can also use...
An exceptional dill flavored, beer batter for deep frying. Fish options include cod, haddock, sea bass, and orange roughy. Suggestions for side dishes...
The wine evaporated before cooking the fish gives it a very particular caramelized wine taste and doesn't need any sauce with it. Goes very well with any...
A healthy way to enjoy whiting and/or tilapia, without spending all of your time in the kitchen. My family enjoys it, even the kids will be looking forward...
My mom gave me this recipe and it is very easy to prepare. The citrus sauce makes it a refreshing and flavorful dish. Buy 1/2 inch thick orange roughy...
This recipe for baked cod is one of the easiest ones I know. Cod fillets are covered with a delicious herbed bread crumb crust and baked in the oven. Serve...
This simple recipe works best with cod (scrod) and flounder. The product is a fresh, buttery-tasting fillet. Goes so well with french fries or oven fries...
This walleye recipe is the one my dad has been using for 25 years. It's light and clean-tasting because there's no sense in masking the naturally delicious...
This is one of my 'go to' recipes and it takes only about 15 minutes from start to finish. The only prep work really is mashing the garlic. The sauce is...
A baked bluefish recipe which surrounds the palate with bluefish flavor but not the fat or typically strong bluefish odor. This fish tastes delicious served...
This simple recipe works best with cod (scrod) and flounder. The product is a fresh, buttery-tasting fillet. Goes so well with french fries or oven fries...