This recipe is good for those times when you just want to toss a steak on the grill. It requires no marinating, and the tangy basting sauce is made from...
This has become my new go-to recipe for black-eyed peas. I'm a Southern girl and never thought I would be able to stray from the tried and true meat-seasoned...
Make this simple non-dairy homemade yogurt in your Instant Pot® with 2 basic available ingredients; you'll never buy yogurt again! Serve with honey and...
This vegetarian treat is a beautiful addition to the Thanksgiving holiday table. My family has been making it for years. You won't even miss the turkey!...
No one will be able to resist these cheesy vegetables! Change the vegetables according to your family's preference. Anything is good! You can use any kind...
Pressure cooking beef stew meat with taco seasoning allows for tender chunks of beef which can be used for taco bowls. It makes enough for a week of prepped...
This classic French toast recipe is super easy in the Instant Pot®. It uses the pot-in-pot method, so be sure to have your small baking pan and trivet...
A full Easter dinner with just 7 main ingredients and a couple of pantry staples! This sheet pan dinner tastes like all the freshness of spring with the...
This easy, quick, and healthy dog snack recipe comes from my aunt who lives on a farm and makes her own dog food. I make it often for my favorite rescue...
Kristie and I baked these vegan sugar cookies from scratch for an annual harvest party that several vegan friends were attending. We were surprised how...
Goat is a delicious, mild-flavored meat that is overlooked in the U.S. This recipe results in a tender, savory dish that, while unusual, is still basically...
A one pot dinner with sausage, cabbage, and root vegetables - Easy and hearty - Great on a cold winter night! Serve with cornbread or a crusty farmhouse...
Vegan meatballs. Super healthy, low calorie, and very versatile. The mix of grains and flours is very flexible - use whatever you have on hand. The seasonings...
A pheasant and mushroom lover's dream! The gameyness of the pheasant and the gameyness of the mushrooms validate each other splendidly! Killer! Spoon over...
A lemony cake that is served with style in individual ramekins. This lemony cake should result in a creamy layer below a fluffy little cake layer. For...
These moist meatballs made with Impossible™ burger (made from plants) are packed with flavor that comes from the garlic, ginger, and curry powder in...
This is a perfect dish on a cold winter day. It takes time and a little bit of effort but is well worth it. The oxtails are so tender and the red wine...
Infuse 3 different flavors of olive oil at the same time and in one pot. Use in salad dressings, pasta, rice, fish, or anything you like. Making popcorn...
This makes a great appetizer for parties, or a main dish for the hot dog lovers in your family. Serve with French fries, all the fixings, and a cold, crisp...
I put this together because I found myself using these same seasonings a lot in everyday cooking and I finally got tired of adding things separately! I...
These amazing tahini cookies are chewy and delightful without any dairy or eggs. Using spelt flour, sesame seeds, and no refined sugar makes them a virtuous...
Sweet and spicy rub goes good on anything! Ribs, chicken, vegetables, and more. I got tired of making this recipe every time I cooked, so I made a large...
Sweet and spicy rub goes good on anything! Ribs, chicken, vegetables, and more. I got tired of making this recipe every time I cooked, so I made a large...
Sweet and spicy rub goes good on anything! Ribs, chicken, vegetables, and more. I got tired of making this recipe every time I cooked, so I made a large...
For us DIY-ers, this is an easy way to make creamy, smooth yogurt at home! It tastes GREAT, and it works! It is yummier and cheaper than store-bought....
Carnivores love these meat-free balls. Serve as an appetizer, on a sandwich, with a meal, or over noodles. I like the mushroom gravy and egg noodles for...
I came up with this meal while poor and hungry, and it turned out so good that it's now a frequently requested meal at my house. The eggs are optional,...
I wanted to make a pasta salad, but didn't feel like going shopping, so I rummaged through my kitchen to see what was available that could be done in less...