This "lazy" lasagna requires very little prep, cooks on Low for a few hours and it's ready to scoop and serve. It's a creamy, cheesy, delicious new dinner...
Easy Mediterranean baked fish recipe with tomatoes and capers. A bright, delicate and flavor-packed baked fish that comes together in just 35 minutes!...
With just a few ingredients, you can bring hearty flavors home with this classic pork chops and sauerkraut recipe. You can't go wrong with the basics,...
Just because you're short on time doesn't mean dinner won't be anything less that fabulous tonight. Take just 20 minutes to prep the ingredients in the...
Put a pot of water on to boil, then stir the white sauce together as the pasta is cooking. It's just that easy to create a rich and satisfying dinner in...
You don't have to dirty every dish in the kitchen to make a fabulous meal. Sometimes, all you need is your sheet pan-and this hearty and filling recipe...
What makes this version of classic chicken and dumplings extra delicious is its long and slow simmer time. While this chicken and dumplings recipe will...
Pasta lovers in search of a different twist on your favorite dish, look no further. This one-pot pairs campanelle pasta with spicy Italian sausage and...
Crisp, cheesy skillet sandwiches ready in 20 minutes! Wrap the bread with ham or turkey, apple, arugula layered with cheese slices. Perfect if you love...
Searching for a new family-favorite meal to take some pressure off the dinner hour? Give this slow-cooker cheesy potato soup a try. Its velvety texture...
Even picky eaters can agree that this Simple Hamburger Hot Dish is one impressive family meal. Perfect for any weeknight, use ingredients you have in your...
All-star recipe for Greek Green Beans. Velvety, tender green beans & potatoes, braised in a tomato-olive oil sauce. Flavor-packed, satisfying, vegan, and...
This Greek-inspired dish, featuring chicken, spinach, oregano, feta cheese crumbles and fresh lemon, proves that casseroles can be lighter and brighter...