Thai-style sweet and spicy pineapple fried rice with red bell pepper, cashews and cilantro. This is a healthy and quick, vegetarian weeknight dinner! This...
Fire up the grill because things are about to get real flavorful. This juicy Grilled Pork Tenderloin will have you and everyone around the table mmm'ing...
Come home to a hearty beef and bean soup! Get a head start by using thawed Make-Ahead Mexican Ground Beef in place of the ground beef and taco seasoning...
Let typical Italian lasagna take a siesta, while this enchilada casserole turns a weekday dinner into a fiesta! Using convenient no-boil noodles adds to...
Shredded chicken, bites of bacon and sweet caramelized onions in a creamy Gruyère sauce make this decidedly dialed-up version of mac and cheese a real...
Let your slow cooker take care of dinner tonight and make this juicy, Hawaiian-inspired pineapple chicken. Freeze the mixture ahead of time for fuss-free...
This tuna casserole is anything but basic. We took a classic recipe and dressed it up with cheesy crescent pinwheels and spinach. And thanks to rotisserie...
Busy weeknights and winter weather are no match for this easy Tortellini Soup. The Italian nickname for tortellini is "ombelico," which refers to their...
Vegan Spanakopita. My take on the great Greek spinach and feta pie! Featuring shatteringly crisp phyllo pastry, and a soft, salty, feta-cheesy, spinachy...
Perfectly tender baked meatballs, prepared Greek-style with onions, garlic, spices and fresh herbs in a special red sauce. Be sure to check out the notes...
Easy, creamy, vegan mac and cheese! This 1-pot dish is made with tender shells and creamy vegan cheddar cheese sauce. It's the ultimate cozy comfort food...
Served on top of pasta or rice, Chicken Marsala is an Italian-inspired dish made with Marsala - an Italian wine from the Sicily region, and mushrooms....