Clear a spot in your dinner rotation: This slow-cooker spin on a beloved fair favorite is going to be a regular that gets raves (and leaves clean plates)...
Light and delicious shrimp lettuce wraps loaded with flavor from crunchy vegetables, fresh herbs, and a drizzle of sauce. Ready in about 10 minutes! The...
Delicious peanut butter tofu made with 8 simple ingredients. Baked until crispy and sautéed in a savory-sweet peanut sauce. Perfect for Asian-inspired...
All-star cilantro lime chicken recipe! Chicken thighs, prepared Mediterranean-style with a special spice mixture and cooked to tender perfection in a tasty...
Packed with smoked paprika, garlic and bell peppers, this flavorful freezer to slow cooker make-ahead chicken dinner will have you craving even more delicious...
Calling all panini lovers! With thick, juicy tomatoes and creamy mozzarella, our tomato and mozzarella panini will make you feel like you're walking the...
Betty Crocker's Diabetes Cookbook shares a recipe! You can feel extra good about serving this easy dish for dinner tonight. It has a whopping 9 grams of...
We've rarely had a five-ingredient meal that tastes as good as this one and cooks in a single dish. This simplicity is actual the secret to this recipe's...
The "devil" in this one-pan meal is the slightly spicy mustard coating brushed on the chicken before it gets covered in buttery Progresso™ panko crispy...
Tender pan-seared scallops are simple to make and delightful to eat. These scallops only require five ingredients, and are best served with a side of your...
This easy baked cranberry chicken recipe with rosemary is the perfect festive dinner! Bold flavors from fresh garlic, rosemary, citrus, and tangy-sweet...