One of our favorites easy doughnut recipe for breakfast. Our easy Ghanaian doughnut recipe (Drop Donuts) can be prepared quickly and will satisfy an army....
Making Dutch Oven Bread is surprisingly easy - no kneading required! All you need are a few pantry staples and a mixing bowl to make a bakery-quality bread....
A copycat recipe for the Taco Bell chili cheese burrito. This burrito combines chili flavored vegetarian ground beef, refried beans and vegan cheddar cheese...
This Pan-Seared Steak has a garlic butter that makes it taste like a steakhouse quality meal. You'll be impressed at how easy it is to make the perfect...
Who knew sheet pan dinners could be so colorful? With crunchy green beans, savory yellow squash, sweet red onions, and bright cherry tomatoes, you'll be...
We use crisp radishes for a bit of crunch and spiciness in this Crab Salad Sandwich. You can also use chopped fennel, celery, thinly sliced fresh apple,...
These BBQ Beef Ribs are simple and will bring together all the honey, mustard, and hot sauce lovers. Full of flavor these ribs just melt in your mouth!...
These savory Apple Rosemary Pork Chops are the warm comfort food that is needed on a cold night. It only takes 30 minutes total, and you're on your way...
I originally found this recipe on Whats Cooking America. I am requested to make this for all my parties. It's a beautiful holiday dip, but the flavors...
Years ago, at a fancy dinner party featuring Prime Rib, this was the first course and the star of the party. The host was a little embarrassed to give...
For a holiday that has come to involve so much alcohol, St. Patrick's Day is badly in need of a good drink. Beer, even tinted green, is too workaday. Stout...
Fully loaded Korean Beef Tacos with flavorful Beef Bulgogi (a Korean BBQ beef). Don't skip the Sriracha-lime crema taco sauce which takes these over the...
You'll be able to please a crowd with this rich and creamy potato side dish. It's easy to double, and I always receive compliments when I take it to potlucks....
Corn Maque Choux is a corn-based side dish that is super popular in the more southern parts of Louisiana. This quick and easy vegetable side dish recipe...
Edible cookie dough is like heaven on a spoon. It only takes a few ingredients and few minutes to put together. You can enjoy this pantry-perfect (and...
This dish is one recipe calling for leftover pasta that is actually worth planning for. It's portable, it's endlessly versatile, and it's practically foolproof....
This Chipotle Copycat Cauliflower Rice packs all the signature lime and cilantro flavors of your favorite Chipotle rice, but in low carb cauliflower rice...
If your familiar with my recipes then you know by now that I try to keep things simple... Easy peasy as I like to say. Who has time now a days to be in...
Very versatiile, just change the ingredients with whatever you have leftover. For example barley change to rice, peas change to corn. Turkey change to...
This is a method of cooking a standing rib roast that never fails. Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. The seasoning you choose is up to you....