This recipe doesn't contain mayo or sour cream like most, so it's very cheesy and very delicious. I'm asked for the recipe every time I make it. For those...
This wonderful version of pimento cheese can be used for grilled cheese sandwiches, as a spread for crackers, or served alongside your favorite fried green...
A friend sent me this recipe! A creamy base is layered with cocktail sauce, veggies, seafood and cheese. It's a total crowd pleaser and will be a hit at...
This is a scrumptious taco dip. When I use all low-fat ingredients, such as low-fat sour cream and low-fat Cheddar, it still comes out so delicious! Serve...
This addictive salsa is restaurant quality, or maybe even better! It's fresh and flavorful, not too spicy, and easy to make in a food processor with a...
This dip is similar to white cheese sauces served in many Mexican restaurants. The amount of heat can be adjusted by adding your favorite chili pepper...
This dip is amazing -- so cheesy and fragrant. If you don't like artichokes, don't worry -- you'll never know they're in there! My only question is: Is...
This is an easy bean salsa. It is very simple and at times I make little changes to reflect my mood, but otherwise, it's simple and delicious. Serve as...
This is a wonderful cheese ball. It is very easy to make and simply delicious. Whenever I make it for gatherings or work it always gets great reviews....
A traditional recipe for this eggplant dip. It consists of baked eggplant with garlic, lemon juice, and tahini sauce. Dip into this with pita bread and...
This recipe was given to me by my sister-in-law and always goes fast! Cream cheese at the base of the dip makes it extra thick and scoopable. Seasoned...
This spinach dip is a huge hit at parties! It has become one of our favorite appetizers to serve guests when we entertain. Prepare ahead, but serve warm...
This is a lovely, cool, refreshing Greek tzatziki dip that I first tasted and fell in love with in the Greek Islands. It is lovely with hot toasted pita...
This is a wonderful salsa!! It is full of black beans, corn, tomatoes, and onion. I can never make enough when I have a party!! Chill 24 hours before serving...
This easy-to-make hot dip would make a handsome addition to your snack table for the Big Game. Like all great party foods, it's wonderful hot, warm, room...
This is a true chile con queso that can be eaten with tostadas or in a warm corn tortilla. This is not like the Americanized version of chili con queso...
This is a very tasty mango salsa that is great served over fish. My favorite is any fish blackened with Cajun seasoning and then topped with this salsa....
I have been making this dip for over 25 years and it is always the first to be eaten at parties. Delicious! Serve in a dipping bowl and eat with crisps...
This is a fruit dip that's very easy! Blend your favorite yogurt flavor with frozen whipped topping and dip! I use slices of Granny Smith, Golden and Red...
Attention, cheese lovers! This may be the best cheese spread you've ever had! My friend's mother gave me this recipe over 15 years ago. I always make it...