Hot Spinach Dip is a baked dip that every household needs to experience. This creamy dip tastes great on crackers, veggies, pretzels... you name it. It...
I tried this recipe and it is EXTREMELY close to the one they serve in the restuarant! To serve this you just add a half of a cup of good quality olive...
Creamy and super tasty! If you' ve been looking for a fava recipe that actually tastes like the one served in Greece, then you have to try this authentic...
The quality of the crab meat makes all the difference for the flavor. Some canned crab is really mushy, while others have big chunks of crab. If you're...
For this year's Independence Day celebration, I am doing a small plates dinner outside, where we can eat and watch the fireworks from the nearby country...
My wife and I live in Lexington, NC home of the famous BBQ Festival.This is a classic Lexington BBQ sauce & dip. Two friends of mine named John & Larry...
This Garlic Butter Sauce uses real butter, fresh garlic, and garlic powder for an intense garlic flavor. It is one of those handy sauces that will turn...
I got this recipe from my local grocer's. They were giving samples of the dip. It was very simple and good so I asked for it. I have made it several times...
If you love spice then you're going to love our Jalapeño Ranch Dressing recipe. Packed with bold zesty flavor, this recipe is perfect for dressings, dip,...
This recipe is for one large cheese ball, perfect for larger parties. Or divide it into two smaller cheese balls for two different occasions or two different...
Try this easy Fiesta Ranch Dip Recipe at your next party or gathering. I think you will be surprised how delicious this easy dip is to make.
Author: Eating on a Dime
Cherry fluff dessert salad is super simple no bake dessert that you can whip up in under 5 minutes using just 6 ingredients. It's pretty pink, sweet and...
A thick creamy garlic sauce that has an intense garlic flavor. Wonderfully delicious served with grilled lamb kabobs and quinoa or rice. Try it on pasta,...
This recipe turned out to be an all-nighter. It started out as a dressing for a mess of greens, then a short time later I decided it was going to be a...
I came up with this one Sunday when I had unexpected company coming after church. I stopped at a convenience store and they had no dips to go with chips,...
My mom has been making this yummy dip for as long as I can remember. Now we eat it whenever we go on vacations to the beach together. The hardest part...
Bacon, spinach dip, and Ranch -- Is there anything not to love in those words? And all three combine beautifully to create this delicious Bacon-Ranch Spinach...
A copycat of the zesty dipping sauce that Outback restaurants serve with their blooming onion dish. Great as a dipping sauce for chicken fingers, fries,...
I hope you like it. It tastes to me exactly like my local mexican restaurants white cheese. Please know that this cheese costs $9.00 a lb. so it is pricey....
Try the making the dip with sweet onions, it's super delicious. Bake until the crust is well browned. It'll help caramelize everything. You can mix the...
A friend of mine from my high school Spanish class made this dip as part of their presentation. Believe me, the girl got an A+! It took me years to track...
Tzatziki is a creamy and refreshing Greek cucumber yogurt sauce, made with a few ingredients and a super delicious condiment for just about anything. Here's...
This is a twist on the traditional Rotel and Velveeta Queso Dip. It is a not so hot, creamier mash-up of what loaded nachos taste like. Serve it with Frito's...
Need a new game day snack? Hosting a fiesta? Add this Mexican corn dip to your menu. It has a sweetness from the corn and a kick from the Rotel. Just the...
This Pineapple Salsa is the perfect topping for fish tacos, pork chops, grilled chicken, or as a dip for tortilla chips! It takes five minutes to whip... My fav sauce this goes great with fish chicken red meats salads thai pastas...
Ever wonder how to make drawn butter? This homemade drawn butter recipe makes the easiest and most delicious dip for crab or lobster tails. All you need...
Remember that filling that your Grandmother used to stuff celery with as an appetizer? Cream cheese, with things like olives, pickles and sometimes nuts?...
Serve in a small, attractive bowl placed in center of a large serving platter, surrounded with assorted cut-up vegetables and, if desired, baked tortilla...