This recipe was in the April 2010 Coastal Living Magazine. Created by Chef Jeff Tunks, Passionfish in Reston, VA. "I love the classic mixture of tortilla...
An amazingly flavorful dish perfect for Lent. If you cannot find red snapper, substitute striped bass, mahi-mahi, black sea bass (flakier texture), grouper...
This crab salad is absolutely delicious! I got the recipe from a former chef in our cafeteria (at work) who used to be a chef for the Cleveland Indians....
I love this and it's pretty easy to prepare, but makes a great impression on guests. Cook time does not include asparagus and crab legs. I buy my crab...
I had a very similar salad in Little Italy near the Baltimore Harbor. It was fabulous! This is the closest I have come to it. This is pretty darn good...
This is a very colourful side dish that I serve with jerk chicken or barbecued steaks. I quite often will take this to a pot luck along with several copies...
This recipe is taken from the cookbook Great Cooking with Country Inn Chefs. I grew up in Granville and had this dish at the beautiful and historic Buxton...
With a little touch of creativity and a lot of inspiration from the wonderful memories of my mother's delicious home-cooked meals, I came up with even...
This is a lovely combination of crab and beef filet. The flavors blend together well and was a real treat tonight. You can certainly use fresh crab, but...
From a Louisiana native, I urge you to try this recipe next time you have a Cajun craving. I would imagine if you don't care for crab, you can use whichever...
This is a wonderful crab dish, full of chunks of crab in a delicate cream sauce- no fillers here! This makes an elegant dinner entree for a special meal...
Originally from I have altered it to suit my and my hubby's tastes. One of my favorite recipes for a richer fish! Serve with a green salad...
I put this recipe together while trying to find something to fix on a Friday during Lent. It is a tomato based chili with imitation crab and shrimp. Has...
This recipe came from a Cambridge, Maryland Fire Department cook book of the 1960s. My mother used to make it almost everytime we had company. Her children...
I live on the coast where seafood is plentiful. This dip tastes best if you use fresh blue crab and fresh shrimp. If you like spicy food, adjust the horseradish...
These spicy crab cakes are the perfect party snack. They're also terrific as a main course. Recipe adapted from Louis's Restaurant & Bar, Charleston, SC....
Great little before dinner nibblers! I recommend serving on pieces of lettuce leaf for easier handling. The recipe came from Food & Drink - the best of...
This is a recipe that is meant to be shared, particularly by lovers or those embarking on a newly-formed relationship. It quick and easy and leaves time...
This recipe was given to us at the Red Bar in Grayton Beach, Florida. They make the best crab cakes I've ever tasted. They're served with a Lemon beurre...