This is, without a doubt, THE most requested recipe ever! Took it to a small bridge tournament and was asked for the recipe by more than 30 people! The...
Do not let the title fool you, this is delicious. This is an appetizer/dip recipe that goes well with tortilla chips. Everytime I make this dip people...
A change of pace for your usual corn side dish. It is both pleasing to the eye and the palate! Works equally well with fresh corn or frozen. I found this...
These delicious tacos are served at Jalapenos Restaurant in Houston. They are best with corn from the roasted corn cobs, rather than frozen corn. If you...
This is my version of Tia's Cancun veggies. They closed all their restaurants recently, so this is the only way I can get my favorite veggies. This is...
This is super simple, and if you like corn relish, you'll love this dip. This is a hit at the parties I take it to and goes with most crackers; it is really...
This recipe is a staple in our house for Mexican night. Very easy. Great to be eaten with chips, or, with a few more steps, NACHOS! p.s. I give credit...
I always seem to want sweet corn when it's not in season, and sometimes the canned sweet corn has a funky flavor. Now you can have quick sweet corn all...
Taken from The Taste of Home Magazine --- This is a ground beef and corn bread recipe all in one casserole and made into a main dish meal --- I also add...