This homemade sweet chili sauce is guaranteed to become a favorite staple in your home! It's versatile, is quick and easy to make, is free of additives,...
Crunchy, briny quick pickled cucumbers with garlic and dill. I like to add sliced green onions and some jalapenos, sliced or halved, for a little kick....
This easy cilantro lime dressing is great to have on hand in the fridge for topping onto salads, tacos, or burrito bowls. To make it creamy, add 1/2 avocado...
Wonderfully tangy, barely sweetened with raw honey, this easy tomato salad dressing is perfect drizzled over fresh greens, mixed into pasta salad, or used...
Quick, homemade Egyptian dukkah recipe with nuts, seeds, and a few warm spices. I like to use a combination of three nuts here (hazelnut, almonds and walnuts),...
This classic salsa recipe has been a favorite for many years and is a traditional Southwestern-style sauce. It's full of tomato flavor and perfect for...
This easy Hot Fudge recipe makes rich, smooth, fudgy, decadent hot fudge sauce in just minutes! Take your ice cream game to the next level with this homemade...
This velvety-smooth sauce uses real cheddar (not the processed stuff) and comes together in less than 10 minutes. Serve as is with chips, fries, or chili...
Make your own aïoli infused with saffron to use as a sauce at your next summer barbecue. Made with egg yolks, lemon juice, garlic and mustard, it's easy...