Slow-grilling over indirect heat keeps this chicken moist and tender. Giving the drumsticks a long rub with seasonings makes them taste great. Always baste...
This is always a hit when I make it for dinner parties and Boxing Day dinner because the chicken is always fall-off-the-bone juicy and people love the...
I love apricot juice as the base for this curry dish. Chicken drumsticks are an economical meat option, but any bone-in pieces would do. Hold back on the...
Easy but tasty oven-baked drumsticks sure to please even the pickiest of eaters. An overnight marinade makes this chicken practically fall off the bone....
These smoky chicken drumsticks are so versatile and easy! I like to use applewood chips or other fruit woods, but maple is also a great choice. Use your...
These chicken drumsticks are packed with flavor yet they are easy to prepare. The addition of baking powder will help crisp up the skin. I prefer to make...
My Grandma used to make this chicken and it was my mom's favorite. It is very easy, quick, flexible, and delicious. You may add as many different veggies...
Bring the islands home to your family with this very Hawaiian dish. The flavor is authentic and super easy with the Instant Pot®. Serve with rice because...
Chicken leg quarters baked with rice in a creamy broccoli mixture. I dislike most convenience food recipes, but I feel that this one's a winner, as it's...
Drumsticks absorb the smoke flavor nicely and also do not dry out, making them one of my favorite cuts to smoke. They also don't need babysitting, so you...
Chicken breasts and drumsticks baked with artichoke hearts and black olives in white wine and chicken broth; a light seasoning of tarragon, salt and pepper...
This chicken is good and garlicky with a hint of sweetness. The honey coating becomes rich, sticky, and crispy in the oven, but if you want to go healthier,...
Drummettes baked with a mixture of tomato soup, cilantro and spices. If you like chicken, here is a tasty new way to eat it! Serve with carrots, celery...
Simple and delicious, this goes alongside any pasta or potato dish. This may sound strange, but the mayonnaise turns back into oil while it's being cooked...
A mixture of spices and fruit juices combine to make flavorful, tender, and juicy drumsticks in a pressure cooker. Great for a main meal or just to snack...
Harold will eat anything but only drinks Budweiser™. I discovered cooking with beer when he spent all our grocery money on it one week. Anyway, it's...
These lemon marinated, flour/egg coated and deep-fried drumsticks are allowed to 'bloom' in the oil like roses in springtime! These drumsticks look very...
Cinnamon's subtle flavor complements the basil and paprika's aromas in this original marinade. The apple cider vinegar adds its special touch and ties...
This is always a hit when I make it for dinner parties and Boxing Day dinner because the chicken is always fall-off-the-bone juicy and people love the...
Leftover fried chicken baked with a vinegar, ketchup and water mixture. Easy, tangy, tasty. The chicken comes out tender and delicious, and the sauce is...
Chicken breasts and drumsticks baked with artichoke hearts and black olives in white wine and chicken broth; a light seasoning of tarragon, salt and pepper...
This chicken is good and garlicky with a hint of sweetness. The honey coating becomes rich, sticky, and crispy in the oven, but if you want to go healthier,...