These make-ahead packet meals are perfect for camping trips as well as quick and easy breakfasts on the go. Shredded potatoes and flavorful sausage are...
If you wanted something as elegant and tasty as fresh crab cakes but you don't have the money just now, this dish is a great alternative! These are not...
These easy make ahead and freeze burritos are one of the best Camping Breakfast Ideas around. Loaded with all your breakfast favorites and super easy to...
I had originally posted this recipe in combination with another I have posted. It seems the butter itself was quite a hit so I decided to post it on its...
For this recipe, you tie a whole fresh caught fish to a plank of wood & cook it in a fireplace (hearth), an outdoor fire-pit, or in the oven. Adapted from...
Every child and adult in Denmark have fond memories of sitting around the bonfire on June 23rd when we celebrate Midsummer Sankt Hans. Most often we will...
Great trail snack. Healthy alternative to chocolate bars. I always have a few of these in my pockets when at the camp or out hunting or fishing or hiking....
We still camp in the cool weather and this is a good warm-up soup. No trouble to make and very tasty. Sit around the campfire with a mug of this and it...
I used this for deer chops the first time. The aroma, while grilling, was fantastic and the taste even better. I recently used the marinade to do a whole...
I love anything pickled and always have a gallon sized jug of dill pickles in the fridge. When it is empty I make these eggs. It's a real quick fix when...
Watch out Clif Bar because these energy bars ROCK! Yes, I purchased the seasonal Clif Bars. I couldn't resist. I actually love everything about seasonal...
Love monster cookies? I like the Monster Trail Mix better! Plus, it's cheaper to make a big batch than spending $4 for a little bag at Target. Play with...
This recipe, for beans is soooo delicious that you really do have to try it - Here is what they had written about the recipe - "Jean doubts if her beans...
I've been using these for 8 or 9 years for my primary powerbars while hiking. They are delicious, and have a lot more energy than the commercial ones....
This is my step-daughter's favorite recipe, and it always disappears. It's very simple and tastes great around the campfire. Cooking time does not include...
This is the cake my husband's mother would make for him every July on their family camping trips which was also his birthday. He and his siblings LOVED...
I found this recipe in a package of Ocean Mist Artichokes from Costco. I have not made the recipe as yet, but I thought it sounded interesting enough to...
A canned chicken quesadilla for kids made with chicken, canned refried beans, and lots of cheese, this is an easy camping meal or lunch that comes together...
This recipe comes from Alan's mom. I had never had this until I went camping with them at Trinity for the first time. I was hooked from the first bite!...
Ready, Set, Cook! Reynolds Wrap Contest Entry. A delicious recipe for seasonal veggies. Easy in the oven or on the grill. These veggie packs are easy to...