Anise overnight cookie. Drop cookie onto greased cookie sheet and bake the next day. These are traditional in our family. Delicious with coffee! Anise...
Inspired (and cribbed) largely from Brooke's Best Bombshell Brownies and Eggless Peanut Butter Cookies, both recipes found here on Allrecipes, I concocted...
The best soft molasses cookie I've ever eaten! You may substitute 3/4 cup undiluted evaporated milk with 3/4 tablespoon vinegar for the sour cream. Cookies...
Delicious Soft & Chewy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Raisin Cookies. This classic cookie (my all time favorite) are a breeze to mix up & bake! This cookie is...
These chocolaty cookies are like a brownie and a cookie combined into one scrumptious treat. They puff up a bit when baking, but flatten when cooled. They...
Old fashioned pudding cookies. Change the flavor of the pudding for a different variety. Try using pistachio pudding and knead gently and pat out onto...
When dairy was no longer an option, I discovered how useful coconut oil was as a substitute to butter. I was excited to learn how easy it was to bake with...
I received this recipe at my wedding shower, and made it for the first time this year. I was shocked at how perfect they came out--like something you would...
These high-protein snacks are great for school lunches. I make a double recipe and freeze them on a baking pan. When frozen, I transfer them to a zip lock...
Two decadent things I love love love to get this time of year are white chocolate peppermint mochas (just a sip gets me singing a Christmas song) and peppermint...
Another traditional Christmas cookie. These are soft cookies dipped in a honey syrup and covered with chopped walnuts. This is another of the few recipes...
This recipe was given to me by Mom,and she got it from a friend in 1968; so it's withstood the TEST of TIME! They have a cooky base, chopped nuts of your...
Never trust a skinny cook always was my motto, but this is an exception!. My sis in law Donna Mae made these and I fell in love with them. They are rich,...
My daughter had fine motor skill delays. We would make this Nutty Putty to play with, then eat. She would have so much fun she did not realize we were...
My husband loves all of my cookie recipes, but this one is his all time favorite!! Very rich, and full of peanut butter flavor. When I bake these, the...
Quick, easy cookie using a boxed cake mix as its base. Very moist and fluffy! Add any variations you desire such as pecans, candy, raisins or butterscotch...
These cookies are really just energy bars in cookie form. Packed with nutritious ingredients, they are crispy around the edges, rich, and have a nutty,...
These brownies are dairy-free and egg-free which makes them vegan. They have a subtle spice flavor and are delicious. If you enjoy chai lattes you will...