The cumin and garlic in the meat add so much flavor to this burger. And the cilantro/lime/ranch dressing kicks-up the flavor too. The green chilies and...
This is an extremely easy and yummy recipe that includes ingredients you probably have laying around in your fridge! It's a great go-to dish when you need...
These burgers are called Pljeskavica in Albania. It literally means 'to clap your hands' which describes how the patties are made. They can be grilled...
Ever wondered how SpongeBob Squarepants makes Mr. Krabs's Krabby Patties on the children's animated cartoon Spongebob Squarepants? If you'd like to make...
I saw a recipe similar to this, made quite a few changes and made it my own. Love these on a hot summer day, but good year round. I also roast my own peppers...
My mom made this for us years ago. It is a GREAT recipe for colder fall/winter nights. It has a bit of a kick so, WATCH OUT!!!! I love soup, but mostly...
This is a different take on the "Sloppy Joe". It's good and cheesy. It can be served open-face or in hamburger style accompanied with chips, pickles, coleslaw...
This is more of a 'tip' than a recipe. I read about this method in an old Heloise 'Helpful Kitchen Hints' book from the 1960's. The original Heloise, who...
Could not find my copie of this recipe then remembered I gave it to oldest daughter so got ahold of her and here it is, Mom usually made this every Thursday...
There are many "versions" of patty melts out there and they are very good. Here is my take on a patty melt, Texas style. I use the Texas Toast, cheddar...
These lil' babies are my fusion of Mexican, Asian & Mediterranean Cuisines. They were some of the most delicous burgers I think that I've ever made. If...
These yummy balls of goodness have been family approved by the cheeseburger lovers of this house. Asking if there were anymore. These would be great as...
Will never go back to plain hamburgers again! Tastes like your favorite hamburger, with 10x more flavor! Nothing kids who were judging this...
If your going to make this with canned salmon, go with a good quality canned salmon. All canned salmon is 'wild salmon' and wild salmon has 10 times less...
These sandwiches came about quite by accident- and turned out quite nice. I had some ground beef in the refrigerator I couldn't decide what to make with...
Social distancing due to COVID-19 has really put a halt to eating out. The family has been craving something special so I put this little recipe together...
19yrs ago my husband told me of these... I said "uumm a what???" So he took me to this little restaurant and ordered me one of these and I was hooked!!...
The unique ingredients set these delicious burgers apart from the everyday ones. With a lovely avocado spread, these tasty burgers will make sensation...
Hearty, cheesy and very flavorful, this is a delicious low carb dinner. Quick and easy to prepare, the topping is kind of magical the way it looks like...
I created this recipe originally to get the kids to eat spinach and prove they would like it. Since you cant really taste the spinach at all it was a clear...
Thanks to the milk and hot water, these are some juicy burgers. Packed with seasonings, these will be delicious at your next cookout. Mustard is an unusual...