A perfect way to herald the coming of spring or celebrate meaningful moments, this carrot cake is moist and full of crunchy nuts, sweet carrots, and chewy...
Glorious late-summer vegetables give fresh meaning to mealtime: sauteed green beans and corn take center stage in this seasonal frittata. Juicy cherry...
This is the only granola recipe you need. While some recipes are too sweet and others don't bind into those super-satisfying clusters, our approach solves...
Polenta, a staple of Northern Italy, is made from cornmeal. It has a soft, moist breadlike texture. We fried it, but you could also serve it soft, mixed...
Take advantage of leftover turkey and mashed sweet potatoes for this fun, bright breakfast. Balance out the sweetness with your favorite spicy salsa, and...
Slightly sweet, crumbly shortbread packs a nice punch when topped with four varieties of coarsely ground peppercorns; you can use a tablespoon of a premixed...
With this colorful tropical fruit platter, simplydress the slices of pineapple,papaya, and star fruit with sugar and lime juice and zest --and drizzle...
A hearty family breakfast comes together quickly when you throw some sausage and eggs into a skillet together. The eggs will cook in the fat from the patties,...
If you are cooking for children, you may want to omit the crushed red pepper and the anchovies from this recipe. Serve this dish with slices of crusty...
Like quiche, this savory dish has a custard filling; using frozen puff pastry instead of traditional pie dough makes it even simpler to prepare. This time-saving...
Hard-boiled eggs get tossed with diced avocado and a flavorful vinaigrette in this egg salad perfect for breakfast that pairs well with smoked salmon and...
Buttery brown sugar glazes these morning buns and pairs nicely with the hearty nuttiness of whole wheat. For tips on rolling and assembling, see our step-by-step...
Citrus never becomes boring when you mix together juice from a variety of fruits, including grapefruits, oranges, tangerines, and tangelos. Add pomegranate...
This Grapefruit and Smoked-Trout "Cobb" Salad is equal parts refreshing and satisfying. To cool cooked farro and other grains more quickly, spread them...
We like to top this Butter-Lettuce Salad with Egg and Potatoes with a fried egg, but you could swap in a poached or soft-boiled egg, or even an omelet,...
The best Bloody has a little kick to it (with Tabasco on hand, should a guest want an even bigger wallop). Fill glasses with the classic garnishes and...