A very traditional breakfast or dessert in northeast Brazil, bananas or plantains are fried in butter and coated with cinnamon-sugar. Delicious with vanilla...
There is a great Brazilian sweet that is like a bonbon and extremely scrumptious and delicious called brigadeiro! This is a great type of sweet that is...
This simple chicken in a vibrant coconut milk sauce will fill your kitchen with the enticing aromas of South American cooking. It's great served over pasta...
This is how my Brazilian mom prepares pork ribs. Boiling the ribs with the seasonings ensures that the meat will remain moist and juicy, and that the flavors...
I learned to make this when we lived in Brazil. It has a wonderful, creamy texture without being too heavy. Melted syrup will run down sides, forming a...
Ever wondered how to get a well-cooked, juicy piece of meat, without butterflying it or cutting down the middle to see if it's done and has a good color?...
The Caipirinha is the national cocktail of Brazil. Made with a sugar cane rum known as cachaca, limes and sugar, it's a sweet, yet tart taste of South...
I found this recipe online from Derrick Riches guide to barbecue and grilling. If you've had Brazilian barbecue beef before, you know how delicious it...
This is a super moist and tasty coconut cake. Growing up in Brazil, this was a favorite amongst our circle of friends. It is especially good with a cup...
Very easy and fast to make from scratch and healthy, too. In Brazil, this cake is a favorite along a cup of coffee for breakfast. It is very similar in...
A Brazilian child's favorite treat. Served at birthday parties in their true bonbon form or eaten warm with a spoon directly from the pan. Condensed milk,...
This fish stew, called moqueca, is a very typical, traditional Brazilian dish that originated in the Northeast. The palm oil gives it its distinctive flavor....
Condensed milk cooked with butter and coconut flakes, formed into little candy balls makes this a favorite Brazilian recipe especially at birthday parties....
This is a Brazilian favorite from the state of Bahia. If you can't find dende oil, a Brazilian staple palm oil, you can substitute annato or peanut oil,...
This is Brazilian favorite (and an old family recipe), and takes no cooking at all. It's a little tart and tangy for those of you who don't like your desserts...
This no-cook candy tastes somewhat like the inside of a Reese's peanut butter cup. It can be eaten on its own, or crumbled as a topping for ice cream or...
This coconut cake made from scratch is 'bathed' in a mixture of condensed milk and coconut milk, and sprinkled with coconut flakes. It's a popular cake...
A new twist to ginger-glazed mahi-mahi. I made it based on suggestions to add mango, and I used an old recipe and kicked it up a notch. Crowd- pleaser!...
This whole banana pie is a hit in Brazil, mainly in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Almost all the ingredients are natural, except for the margarine. It is...
Whenever I go to Brazil I must eat at a Brazilian churrascaria and have some beef ribs. The meat is so tender and flavorful, it's hard to believe it's...
This is a large, creme-caramel-like version of the classic Brazilian chocolate bonbon known as brigadeiro. This recipe is super easy and fast because it's...
Easy Brazilian cake prepared in a blender. Lovely, slightly richer and creamier version of a light sponge, perfect for enjoying for a snack or afternoon...
A friend of mine sent me this recipe. It has a nice unusual taste, with lots of seafood. We enjoy this on cold winter nights. With some bread and small...
A really quick and easy dessert to prepare and delicious too. Preparation/Cooking time does not reflect refrigeration time. Even tho the recipe says refrigerate...
I once went to a fabulous Brazilian restaurant, where they made something similar to this recipe. I recreated it, with some tweaking, to rave reviews....
These little coconut treats are called Beijinhos - beijinhos literally mean "little kisses" in Portuguese. They are the coconut equivalent of Brigadeiros...
Brazil's favorite drink, the caipirinha, is made a little sweeter here with the addition of strawberry and kiwi instead of lime - 'Caipirinha de morango...
Batida (meaning 'shaken' in Portugese) is a Brazilian cocktail recipe normally made of a fruit or fruit juice and sweetened condensed milk. Use the condensed...
If you like lime, parsley and garlic you'll love this tangy sauce for any type of meat, fish or chicken - I even tried it on pork and it was yummy. I use...