Found that our Butcher's Block market in Vegas started carrying seafood and couldn't resist the fresh sea bass. The natural flavor of the fish is complimented...
What once was in the Deep south Atlantic ocean around Antarctica wild-captured to become a coveted dish on your plate. Chilean Sea Bass has a firm, tender...
I used to work in an upscale gourmet foods store, and this recipe was a huge success with the clientele. I've scaled it down to a normal sized recipe,...
I like this recipe because its quick and simple. I found it on a web search at "The Recipe Box" web site. My preferrence is spicier so I added several...
I made this for dinner last night and it was FANTASTIC! The slightly anise flavor compliments the fish very well and would be equally good with halibut...
Pork tacos al pastor may get the fame, but this fish al pastor, based on a version at Mexico City restaurant Contramar, deserves plenty of glory. A potent...
This is a very versatile sauce. You can pair it with so many things. Use it as a sauce for pasta, as a dip, or as a topping for toasted garlic bread. I'm...
To wrap fish in parchment paper will protect the against the high heat. The steam can still escape, but the fluids and the flavours are kept inside. You...
Where did this recipe come from? Well, I kinds' made it up. I had a bunch of baked fish recipes, and just kind of took a bit from each of them, added a...
DH and I made this for dinner last night. We loved it! According to the recipe, couscous with minced green onions would make a nice side dish (we didn't...
I made this today and was delighted with the great flavour and the ease of this recipe. But what I loved MOST was that my kids, notoriously fickle fish...
A whole fish, representing abundance, is almost always included on the celebratory Chinese table. Ours is flavored only lightly, with ginger and scallions,...