A big bowl of Tater Tots® topped with pulled pork, barbeque sauce, white Cheddar cheese sauce, pinto beans, and smoked paprika sour cream. Perfect for...
If you ever have leftover salmon, this recipe is a way to repurpose, reuse, and recycle! Bonus: Even my son, who doesn't really care for salmon, loved...
This is a creamy spread that is cooked. My Aunt Erma Lee was a great cook. Feel free to adjust the sugar to your taste. This is a great spread for sandwiches...
This is a great recipe made from dried garbanzo beans and soy beans. I cook my beans in a pressure cooker for an hour in a half water, half stock solution,...
This is a fail proof version of bruschetta! They turn out so yummy, I can't keep them on the plate for more then 15 minutes. When I make this recipe, the...
Cretons are a traditional French Canadian pork spread, similar to a pate, that's usually served on toast for breakfast. Here is a classic version that's...
Three ingredients and some paper towels is all you need to make these homemade salt and vinegar potato chips. They come out of the air fryer super crispy...
All of the flavors you love in street corn and elotes without having to fire up the grill. Got a craving in the middle of the winter when it is too cold...
Plain popcorn is an easy healthy snack, but it can be a little dull. If curry powder is not your thing, try chili powder or cinnamon sugar. Some kernels...
This hot crab and artichoke dip recipe is the best one around! Very flavorful and a crowd pleaser! Easy to make and mmm good! From a native Marylander...
Craving chicken wings... but don't want to turn on the oven? This is the recipe you've been looking for! Serve with thinly sliced raw carrots for a simple...
I wanted to make chicken enchiladas but couldn't find a recipe that I had the ingredients for. So, I made this up using what I had on hand. It is mildly...
Better titled as 'Bedroom Brie'! This is our favorite food after the kids have gone to sleep. A wheel of Brie is wrapped in pastry, then topped with pecans...
Roasting grapes makes them even sweeter, the herbs bring a bit of savory flavor, and when combined with creamy, lemony ricotta, you're in for a tantalizing...
Wholesome fish dishes do not have to be boring. I love crab cakes...I have made tuna cakes...so why not tilapia cakes? Add some feta and hot sauce and...
The flavors of a bacon cheeseburger combine to make this hearty and easy to put together dip that feeds a big crowd! If the dip becomes too thick, thin...
This easy-to-prepare eggplant appetizer tastes great and can be made a little bit ahead of time. It goes especially well with roasted pork tenderloin and...
We had this at a local Indian restaurant and tried to replicate it. We all love this version to dip our naan and samosas and rarely is there any sauce...
The addition of garlic mushroom soup mix gives this dip some kick! Serve a French baguette, crackers or crostini alongside this steaming dish to give your...
This is an adaptation of a recipe I found. I made adjustments to eliminate chopping and blending. It makes for an easy, tasty, creamy hummus. Garnish the...
Try these Asian-inspired shrimp spring rolls for lunch, or slice them in bite-sized pieces for a tasty, crunchy appetizer. It's best to resist using a...