My lovely step-mother, Jan, is one of the best cooks I know! This Beef Tenderloin is one of her specialty recipes, and it is absolutely mouth-watering...
I think this casserole tastes even better than a real taco, it is SO DELICIOUS! ...if you love tacos, then you will love this casserole! My recipe#76616...
I created this recipe that is great served with rice pilaf and steamed vegetables. While this recipe is shown for 4 servings, it is easily halved for two...
At a previous job whenever the party sign up list got to me I was already filled in to bring this every time! It can be easily halved, but I recommend...
These delectable little babies are easy to put together using a food processor. They are delicious served with a horseradish tartar sauce (posted seperately)...
I am not allowed to attend any party without a batch of these. At our last party I made over 200 of these and they disappeared. You can use any flavor...
This is an awesome pasta that is quick to make and very satisfying. I first copied a recipe from Bon Appetit and then combined it with several recipes...
After eating the "World's Best" Fried Oysters at The Old Post Office Restaurant at Edisto, SC, I wanted to duplicate them. This comes mighty close! I believe...
A casserole recipe that has become a favorite at our house. It's an excellent make and take - makes for an empty pan and recipe requests.Recipe has made...
These stuffing balls are a good side dish with poultry and pork dishes. For an appetizer, make the stuffing balls smaller, reduce the baking time accordingly,...
This is my family's recipe for grilled chicken, mexican-style. It is very similar to what you would get at El Pollo Loco fast food restaurants - although...
My best friends brother-n-law worked for Wendy's fast food chain for several years, she gave me this recipe when she found out how much I love their chili....
I believe I got this recipe from the Food Network. It's so quick and easy to make -- and so delicious. And it makes such a nice presentation served sliced...
This was my Mom's staple recipe every Thanksgiving for stuffing....Sometimes she would add some chopped giblets to it, but usually she made it exactly...
I had something similar to this at a potluck and recreated it on my own. It's super easy and will probably please the whole family. I generally serve this...
Looking for a way to use up that leftover Tomato Sauce you made the other day? What better way than to try this ziti recipe! You can use canned sauce,...
As I watched Food Network's Ina Garten make Salmon Nicoise, I was inspired to use the technique of smoothing a thick marinade over salmon filets before...
My passion is to master the art of cooking sea food. I read about sea life and try to develop recipes worthy of the richness of inhabitants of the seas....
My daughter served this for a dinner party recently, and we all really liked it, so I asked her for the recipe. She said she got if from her one of her...
This is an easy omelet to make. I like making them during the week as they reheat nicely. I cut this in fourths and everyone can have a nice breakfast...
This recipe is slightly different from the ones already posted here on 'Zaar. It was given to me by a very dear friend who is no longer with us. Everytime...
An abundant harvest of patty pan squash led me to this recipe elsewhere on the internet. Very tasty! and I cooked a full package of bacon so my picky eaters...
Cooking fish on wooden planks is a native tradition. Use untreated cedar that you can buy at the local lumberyard or hardware store. You can usually use...
The story of the hush puppy comes from back in the antebellum days in the south. When the planters had a fish fry, the food was cooked outdoors. The dogs...
I love lime and these are tasty. For a triple lime zap mix confectioners sugar with more key lime juice and drizzle on the cooled bars before you dust...
Not sure that you can get easier then this... and ohhhh so good. This is a great menu to make as a family and have the kids help. :) Chris, you can do...
This is one of my favorite dips to bring to a party and it's always a hit. It is delicious and creamy and has just the right amount of crab so it doesn't...