It may be a mouthful but you'll be happy to fill your mouth with this burger. This was an experiment that ended up in my husband's top 2 meals - and those...
This is dark, rich and luscious and needs lots of fluffy mashed potato to absorb all the exquisite sauce. It's perfect, too, for entertaining as it braises...
This ground venison goulash recipe is full of flavor and super simple - perfect for a weeknight dinner! Ground deer meat, savory sauce, spices, and cheese,...
Make easy and quick meals with canned venison in stews, soups, sandwiches, or just heat and serve with rice, potatoes, or noodles and vegetable. The meat...
An easy way to make venison steak that is delicious and tender. Venison is a meat that is low in fat and cholesterol and high in vitamins. The meat is...
My husband is an avid hunter and venison lover. I never really cared for venison roast until now. This roast is so tender and tasty it will have you coming...
Tender chunks of venison are marinated twice, and wrapped in thick bacon before being grilled until crispy on the outside. A venison version of Filet Mignon....
Opening Day of hunting season has everybody's mouth watering for this simple recipe. The marinade helps pull out some of the game taste in your meat hence...
I was looking for something different to do with my man's fresh kill, so I just whipped this up from stuff I had in the cupboard. My husband and children...
Try this one on for size if you love shrooms, otherwise omit them. This is my husband's favorite (and we eat game at least 3 nights a week). Serve with...
This is a nice change from regular summer sausage. The cheddar and jalapenos give it a bit of a spicy kick that is sure to please at gatherings. We serve...
This recipe is quick and easy. The venison is such a clean taste that mixes well with the plethora of spices. It takes no time at all and taste even better...
I personally am not a big fan on wild meat BUT my husband is! With this recipe it doesn't taste 'gamey' at all. It's very tender as well. I even go back...