This easy yet wonderful stew can be made any time of year. The meat can be omitted without compromising the dish. Serve hot with a great bread and a nice...
Incorporating ideas from other reviewers, I adapted the skillet version to a slow cooker version when we needed a meal to be ready when we got home. We...
Bigos is almost a Polish national dish. This is a traditional recipe from Poland. Bigos is a rich flavorful stew with sauerkraut, Polish sausage, beef,...
This can be made with hundreds of different combinations of smoked meats, game, poultry, and seafood, and in my opinion, the more the merrier. The procedure...
This recipe is great made with either fresh or frozen green beans. If you use frozen use the French style beans. This is Greek stew that my mom always...
The traditional dish uses a good amount of olive oil and meat with a lot of marbling. This version is lower in fat, but is true to the spirit of the recipe....
My Mexican husband was shocked at how authentic this recipe was to his mom's and grandmother's recipe. This is a delicious, not too spicy, authentic Mexican...
I came across an African sweet potato stew recipe a few years ago, and adapted it to suit our taste. It is very flavorful and just a bit spicy - just right...
Thick beef stew good eaten from a bowl or poured over biscuits. Substitute lamb and voila!...Irish stew!! If thicker stew is desired, add more cornstarch...
This hearty stew is loaded with vegetables, so it's easy on the waistline! I recently re-joined WW, and am searching for ways to incorporate more legumes...
Slow cookers are so great for those times when you want a fuss-free dinner. You can literally throw everything in it and leave it all day so you have a...
I'm sure you've heard by now that corned beef and cabbage is not authentic St. Patrick's Day food. I decided to do a little mash-up and this Irish pork...
I spent a few days in Florence about 30 years ago, and while I don't remember much, I do recall my surprise at how delicious the Tuscan fish stew was....
Edamame adds a unique twist (and a great nutrition boost) to this delicious, tender pork stew. It makes a great supper on a cold evening. My family absolutely...
This creamy pork stew is one of my favorite cold weather dishes of all time. You can add squash, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mushrooms, root vegetables--it's...
Impress your family and friends when you serve this classic and flavorful Creole dish and best of all, it's easily made in the oven. I brought a huge roaster...
Pueblo tradition calls for the addition of corn or potatoes to this dish. It makes a wonderful filling for enchiladas. Serve with a big green salad and...
A very flavorful creamy chicken stew that takes you back to the good ole days. Wonderful Sunday after-church food. Serve over hot cooked rice and sprinkle...
A real standard in our household -- great for company, and my husband always raves! NOOOOOO preparation (except opening cans!). Cooks all day in the slow...
This is an old, personal favorite recipe of mine. While not totally authentic, it celebrates the fabulous flavors of Cajun cuisine. Serve this thick sauce...
Stifado is a Greek beef stew and my all-time favorite Greek dish. Chunks of tender beef are cooked with shallots in a rich aromatic tomato sauce. Serve...
A fabulous, flavor-filled recipe that's great for leftovers. Every Middle Eastern country has its own spin on this dish, but this one is predominantly...
My grandma gave me a famous Louisiana cookbook (if you are a Louisiana native, you know what I'm talking about) when I was a teenager. I watched her make...
This is a very rich and flavorful beef dish with a thick, red, smoky tasting sauce. Great for making a day ahead and reheating. Instead of noodles, you...
This from-scratch gumbo takes a little bit of time, but is well worth the effort! No bouillon, chopped tomatoes, chicken, sausage, or bacon here! Impress...
A flavorful stew, Pörkölt is redolent with the fragrance of paprika and bell peppers. It has few ingredients, and is surprisingly easy to make. Save...
This meal has been a favorite for many years. It is basically beef tips browned and slowly cooked until tender. We usually serve this with homemade mashed...
Alita tweaked this rich, tomato-based beef stew over the years from her original recipe, which was much less red and contained less vegetables. We're always...
With this wonderful cool weather arriving this recipe is a perfect hearty Irish comfort food. After cooking and enjoying the great flavors, it reminded...
This crock pot recipe is easy to assemble and needs no attention while it cooks. The flavors blend nicely to give it a wholesome earthy flavor that is...
The thickest, most wonderful Brunswick Stew you've ever had. Those of you who've never had Brunswick Stew will just die.... If you've had it before, you...
Best beef stew I've ever made! I apologize for the vague instructions, the ingredient amounts are approximate as well as I did this over the weekend but...
I grew up in the Canal Zone and sancocho is a must for large family meals. Sancocho is a Latin chicken soup with cilantro and yuca (or cassava). Keep in...
White chicken chili is the creamiest, coziest version of chili. It's made with chicken, beans, peppers, corn, jalapeños, and all of your favorite taco...