In Greece spanakorizo is served as a main dish with crusty bread. Please do not omit the fresh lemon juice and feta it is what makes this dish special,...
Homemade goodness and gourmet taste! This recipe works great in those perogy maker molds. Serve these with your favourite pasta sauce, tomato or alfredo...
Salmon and dill, spinach and nutmeg, white wine, creme fraiche, and gooey melted mozzarella cheese combine in a warm, creamy lasagna with a special fresh...
A perfect side dish to your holiday meal, even people who hate spinach will love this dish! --- this should serve 8 people depending on the size of the...
A delicious twist on spinach. This is the only way that my brother will eat it! You may want to double or triple this recipe. I typically allocate 1/2...
Bright in color and flavor, the silky sauce for these meatballs is made from a purée of coconut cream, Thai green curry paste, and spinach. Form the (gluten-free!)...
Adapted from America's Test Kitchen. Partial thawing of the spinach produces a cold dip that can be served without further chilling. The garlic must be...
I really love this combination and it is SUPER easy! My measurements are estimates: I pulled a 'soft polenta' recipe off of epicurious to calculate the...
I got this recipe at a company picnic in the Colorado Rockies years ago. I was impressed by the fact that it was a "make ahead" recipe, that it would last...
We don't have salmon often, but this looked so easy & yum that it inspired us to get down to the fishmongers. We used 2 salmon fillets but kept all the...
Samosas that are a little different. These savory morsels are perfect for pre-dinner appetizers or as a side dish with an Indian buffet. Serve them with...
These crispy-edged flatbreads are made from chickpea flour, water, olive oil, and salt and served with a burst tomato-chickpea sauce along with feta and...
This is a favorite side dish from a local restaurant in Knoxville, TN. Almost everyone who comes in orders it to go along with their ribs. I highly recommend...
Here's a great way to get your green vegetables in! I really love this as an accompaniment to a nice steak, which makes a complete meal. And it's super...
Enjoy our delicious Fresh Spinach and Cheese Ravioli with a guilt-free zucchini cream sauce. Full of flavor and goodness, this dish will leave your taste...
From Giada DeLaurentiis Everyday Italian comes this great dish. Perfect for brunch, parties or potlucks. I made this for a big family dinner (everyone...
Pot pie doesn't have to feel heavy-this spring version features tender leeks, creamy new potatoes, and sweet peas in a light, lemony sauce. An herb-packed...
Toss a few things in a bowl and jazz up a simple supper. When I brought this to the table, my kids said, "What? A gourmet meal?" It's so easy to please...
I am a big fan of the Good Housekeeping Soup Diet and I've enjoyed it just as it is for awhile now. Recently I came across a new recipe in Woman's World...