After you've made this quick and easy sauce once, you'll want to slather it on grilled chicken, steak, pork might never go back to the bottled...
Turn fresh broccoli into a delicious salad with this simple recipe. Gently toss broccoli with the easy-to-make dressing, cheddar, onion & bacon. Raisins...
These simple yet fresh corn fritters make a great snack, appetizer or side dish. You'll use corn kernels, butter, onion, cornmeal and flour to make these...
Celebrate fall flavors with this easy pumpkin crunch dessert. Yellow cake mix, evaporated milk, canned pumpkin and few more ingredients turn into a decadent...
A traditional Southern dish, red rice gets its color from lots and lots of tomatoes - nearly two pounds of canned tomatoes, in this recipe. Spice, smoky...
Linton Hopkins's Aunt Julia ("my paternal grandmother's sister-in-law," he says) made giant vats of this barbecue sauce on her farm in Alabama, then drove...
Classic Louisiana-style seasonings are the key ingredients in the best Cajun dirty rice recipe. Think of dirty rice as a Cajun rice pilaf. Don't knock...
"I make my macaroni salad just like I do my potato salad," says Paula Deen. "Warm. It brings out the flavor more, and it's just so good. This has pepper,...
This deep-fried lasagna recipe from Paula Deen is a comfort food meal perfect for entertaining. Ingredients include lasagna noodles, ground beef, cream...
This easy southern warm turnip green dip recipe from Paula Deen is a comfort food appetizers perfect for entertaining. Ingredients include bacon, cream...
These classic savory muffins are the perfect accompaniment at your next brunch or luncheon. The bold flavors of blue cheese and sage will pair well with...
Summer fresh field peas lend themselves well to this delicious Southern side dish. To whip up this comforting side, you'll need field peas, smoked bacon....
The search for the perfect homemade fried chicken is over! You'll need self-rising flour, eggs, black pepper and a whole chicken, cut into pieces. Perfect...
Perfect as a side, snack or dessert, these sweet potato rounds are sure to please. Top each slice of sweet potato with the mixture of butter, brown sugar,...
Jalapeño hush puppies are spiced up with jalapeños and onions. This hush puppy recipe also calls for cornmeal, creamed corn and eggs. They make a great...
Georgia-style brunswick stew is made with chicken, onion, crushed tomatoes and creamed corn. Liquid smoke and Paula Deen Hot Sauce give this easy stew...
Turn your packaged corn muffin mix into a savory cornbread tonight. Just add in a sweet Vidalia onion, sharp cheddar, sour cream and dill. You'll never...