Creamy pumpkin crab bisque soup is an ultimate comfort food for a cold winter or fall nights. Simple recipe and ready in less than 30 minutes. Bring fall...
Italian comfort food--my mom made this when we were kids. Not many people have heard of it but it is a family favorite with lots of garlic, black pepper,...
Our granddaughter loves this soup made by her great grandma! Substitute ground beef, Italian sausage, and beef stock for the ground turkey, turkey Italian...
A great soup. Healthy (despite the cream) and refreshing! For a South American flair, serve with popcorn. Throw it into your soup and like you would croutons....
This amazing chunky sweet potato soup is on the table in about 30 minutes, and has a simple yet robust fall flavor! Serves 2 to 3 depending on serving...
This cold soba broth recipe, courtesy of chef Takashi Yagihashi (Takashi's Noodles), is used to make Natto Soba.Reprinted with permission from Takashi's...
This is a great way to enjoy a high protein and low carbohydrate meal. My friends at work can verify this as a very yummy soup! They all came at my lunch...
This recipe is one of the Asian style--actually Korean style--rice soups. It is a thick porridge-style soup that is flavorful and healthy: low-fat, low-calorie,...
I wanted a warm, silky soup that contained leeks but different than the standard leek soup recipes I kept seeing. So with the help of wild rice and rotisserie...
A whole chicken and fresh corn kernels are cooked in a green chicken broth seasoned with chiles, tomatillos, and avocado. Known in Mexico as pozolillo,...
You can cook up a chicken or turkey carcass, or add stock and leftover turkey. Great way to end the Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey. I lost this recipe...
Vietnamese chicken noodle soup. After ordering this soup at a local Vietnamese restaurant, I decided to try to make it at home. This is a very flexible...
Put a grilled cheese and tomato soup together with this Slow-Cooker Tomato Soup with Croutons recipe. Our slow-cooker tomato soup recipe is rich in flavor...
Completely delicious pureed sweet potato-cauliflower soup, perfect served hot or cold. Vegan and gluten free. Will win over even a cauliflower hater with...
This recipe started as something I found off the back of a seaweed package, but has been adapted several times so that it can be made quickly with ingredients...
An authentic rural Mexican dish usually prepared with pork, posole is traditionally eaten at New Year's. This version is a great way to unload those turkey...
I always have leftover rotisserie chicken after company leaves. I am on a very strict diet for inflammation, so using the items I can have, I tossed this...
This is a great fall or winter stew that I have been making for several years and is also very nutritious. It has a great Southwestern flavor with a spicy...
This electric pressure cooker cabbage soup is easy and so, so good, you'll forget that you're eating something incredibly nutritious! Serve with a dollop...
I was having a difficult time finding a recipe for my favorite bean - the butter bean- so I did some experimenting of my own and came up with this quick,...
This is a great tasting soup recipe shown to me by my Auntie Ethel Sabourin. It's a vegetable soup, but you add the garlic at the end to give it a strong...